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Drillthrough Support in Power BI Paginated Reports

Dan English is excited:

Last month there was a new update that has been made that provides support for drillthrough report actions in the Power BI service (Microsoft Fabric)! Those of you who are familiar with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) know what a great feature this is to include in your reports to allow users to jump to another report for additional information such as detail level report and even allow the ability to pass the context (parameters) to the report.

Drillthrough was a big item that might have been a blocker for some companies preventing them from migrating from on-prem SSRS or Power BI Report Server (PBIRS) to the Power BI, well not anymore:)

So how does this work? 

Read on to learn more, including something which is in Power BI paginated reporting but not SSRS.