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Day: April 21, 2023

Retrieving Redshift Query History

Koen Verbeeck wants to see what you did last summer:

Because my Windows machine apparently decides to install updates over night (and thus reboot my machine), it has happened that I lost the query that I was writing for Redshift in the tool DBeaver. When you work with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), you typically don’t have this issue as a temporary copy is always saved. Close down SSMS, restart it and the queries are still there.

Click through to see what you can do.

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Upgrading an Expired SQL Server Evaluation Edition

Chad Callihan loses track of time:

SQL Server Evaluation editions are great to use for testing early releases. When the real deal comes out, it’s best to upgrade then and there (probably Evaluation to Developer if you’re testing and experimenting). But what happens if you let an evaluation edition expire by accident? The good news is you can still upgrade but it’s a bit tedious.

Click through to see how.

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Running a Power Query Operation Only when Data Exists

Gilbert Quevauvilliers doesn’t waste time:

I had a requirement where I wanted to only have the underlying query run if there was data in the table.

As shown in the image below a query would run, scan 20GB and then return zero rows.

Instead of performing such an expensive scan, Gilbert provides an alternative. This is important in the case of querying the Synapse serverless SQL pool, as Gilbert does—in that case, the 20GB scan costs money.

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Transport Layer Security and SQL Server

Michael Howard provides an explanation:

Invariably, when I ask people what Transport Layer Security (TLS) does, they say something like, “it protects my credit card info when I buy things online.”

The response is not incorrect, but it’s not the whole story, either, and let’s just ignore the server-side credit card protection requirements and PCI compliance for a moment.

TLS provide three security services, with an optional fourth.

Click through for those services and some of the ways we can improve our security posture when connecting to (or hosting!) a SQL Server instance.

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A Use Case for Removing Schema Prefixes

Aaron Bertrand threatens to angry up the blood:

I’ve long been a huge advocate for always referencing objects with a schema prefix in SQL Server.

In spite of what may be a controversial title to many of my regular blog readers, I don’t really want you to stop that practice in most of your T-SQL code, because the schema prefix is important and useful most of the time. At Stack Overflow, though, there is a very specific pattern we use where not specifying the schema is beneficial.

Mind you, Aaron’s use case is a rather niche example, so I don’t plan on burning him in effigy. Just maybe singeing him a tiny bit.

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