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Spatial Data and GIS in DuckDB

Mark Litwintschik tries out a new extension to DuckDB:

DuckDB’s Spatial extension is made up of ~7K lines of C++ excluding its dependencies.

There are three major GIS projects this extension uses to provide its functionality. The first is GDAL, a 1.7M-line C++ project that provides file conversion functionality for both raster and vector-based GIS file formats. The second is PROJ, a 150K-line C++ project that provides coordinate transformations. The third is GEOS, a 150K-line C++ project that provides geometry manipulation functionality.

All of these dependency projects were started more than 20 years ago, have been extensively battle-tested and seem to underpin almost every GIS project and service I’ve come across.

In this post, I’ll walk through some example GIS workflows with the DuckDB Spatial extension.

Click through for a dive into what the extension can do.