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Managing Report-Specific Objects in Power BI Datasets

Kurt Buhler takes us through some report-specific objects and how we can use them effectively:

These last examples are report-specific objects. They allow flexibility and customization of report visuals. However, report-specific objects create challenges for developers and end-users using the model to create new content. These objects typically only work with specific client tools, visuals or evaluation contexts. In the wrong scenario, they produce incorrect or confusing results. Further, they can quickly overwhelm or pollute the model, confusing the person using it. Even when hiding these objects, they still appear in intellisense when typing DAX. They can also be revealed by right-clicking the “fields pane” in Power BI Desktop and selecting “view hidden”. Because of this, report-specific objects can hurt both the sustainability and adoption of your dataset. How can we use and benefit from report-specific objects, while preventing them from making a model that’s hard to use?

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