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Designing Test Code for shinytest2

Russ Hyde wraps up a series on shinytest2:

UI-driven end-to-end tests require a bit more code than unit tests. For example, starting the app and navigating around to set up some initial state will require a few lines of code. But these are things you’ll likely need to do in several tests. As you add more and more test cases and these commonalities reveal themselves, it pays to extract out some helper functions and / or classes. By doing so, your tests will look simpler, the behaviour that you are testing will be more explicit, and you’ll have less code to maintain. We’ll show some software designs that may simplify your {shinytest2} code.

This post builds upon the previous posts in the series, but is quite a bit more technical than either of them. In addition to shiny development, you’ll need to know how to define functions in R and for the last section you’ll need to know about object-oriented programming in R (specifically using R6). The ideas in that section may be of interest even if you aren’t fluent with R6 classes yet.

Click through for the series finale.