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Understanding SQL Server I/O Size

Anthony Nocentino dives into a topic:

Master File Table (MFT) is the data structure that describes files and directories on NTFS. In Figure 1, you can see an MTF record has several sections describing the metadata about the file and pointers to blocks that make up the file. A block, also referred to as a cluster in Windows, is an abstraction over one or more physical structures (sectors or pages depending on the media) presented by the underlying disk. A block/cluster is also the atomic allocation unit from a file system and has a configurable size. On NTFS, this is referred to as the NTFS Allocation Unit Size and is a configurable attribute of the file system. By default, it is 4KB and can be as large as 2MB. Since a block is a unit of allocation, if a file is between 1 byte and the file system’s allocation unit size, it will take up exactly one block/cluster on the file system. As the file grows, more blocks/clusters are allocated to represent the file. The MFT data structure tracks which blocks make up a file. The block allocator of the file system will try to ensure blocks are physically adjacent on the disk and groups them together in runs.

A 4KB NTFS Allocation Units size is considered best practice on general-purpose file systems. And 64KB is considered best practice for SQL Server…but why? Let’s keep digging…

I was sitting at a lunch table with Anthony when it all clicked and that was fun to see.