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Fundamentals of Query Store

Deepthi Goguri provides an intro to Query Store:

Introduced in SQL Server 2016, the Query Store feature will store the Query plans, Queries, resource consumption information along with the run time stats information for your queries. This feature is not automatically enabled on your databases. It is a database-level option only. You need to enable the Query Store on the database to capture the queries and query information. You cannot enable the Query store on master or tempdb databases. The information captured by the Query Store is stored in the database you enabled the feature on, in the internal tables created in the PRIMARY filegroup and this cannot be changed. (Microsoft docs reference).

One thing I would mention that Deepthi didn’t cover is, if you tried out Query Store a while ago and ran into problems, try again on the latest CUs of SQL Server. There have been a lot of bugfixes and optimizations which have made it a much more useful product.


  1. George Walkey
    George Walkey2021-11-16

    “which have made it a much more useful product.”
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