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Synapse vs Snowflake

Travis Manning has a throw-down:

Data warehousing has become a hot topic for most organizations as data volume grows exponentially, and yet the capacity to manually manage it all but diminishes. The ecosystem is replete with options, each with a host of features and integrations. In this article, we will discuss two of the most common (and commonly discussed!) data warehousing services, Azure Synapse and Snowflake Data Warehouse (DW). For this article, we will try to focus on use cases, and which option is appropriate in that context.

Click through for the product comparison. One big difference not covered is pricing uncertainty. If you have a good understanding of the number of executions and computational complexity of your queries, as well as data quantities, Snowflake can be very competitively priced. But what can happen is that the competitive price turns into a much-less-competitive price by the time you’re fully up to speed.

One Comment

  1. Jane Doe
    Jane Doe 2021-09-27

    Too bad it wasnt a real comparison
    a DW Query or to wouldnt hurt
    Too may afraid to show that the Polaris engine wont scale

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