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Day: September 7, 2021

Image Classification with ML.NET

Ivan Matec shows how to use ML.NET’s image classification with an example of vital importance:

One of the best scenes from Silicon Valley is Jian Yang demoing his “Hotdog, not hotdog” application. In this article, we will build our own “Hotdog, not hotdog” solution using ML.NET. After all, who would not want to determine if that dish is, or is not a hot dog? Just take a picture, upload it to the web or desktop application, and get results with almost 90% certainty in a second.

Although some may say this is not a very useful application, it is a fun way to explore another machine learning concept through ML.NET. I covered installing and getting started with ML.NET in Visual Studio in my previous article, so refer to it if you missed it.

Click through for the implementation, which is quite straightforward.

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An Introduction to Aggregations in Power BI

Phil Seamark begins a new series:

One of the most powerful features of Power BI data modelling today is creating aggregation tables in your dataset and having simple calculations automatically make use of the tables without writing complex DAX. This feature is available in both Pro and Premium.

What does “automatically make use of” mean in this context?

Read on for that answer and a whole lot more.

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Relative-Time Slicers in Power BI

Gerhard Brueckl wants your Power BI reports to know what day it is:

A very common requirement for a Power BI report that I stumble across at almost all of my customers is to automatically show data for the current day/month/year when a report is opened. At first sight this seems like a very trivial problem but once you dig into the problem, you will realize that all of the common solutions out there have some disadvantages and only solve the problem partially.

Click through for a clear description of the problem and a clear description of the answer.

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An Overview of Function-as-a-Service

Grace Ol’Halloran lays out the basics of serverless computing in cloud platforms:

The term serverless computing can be misleading; how can you compute things without a server? Well, the answer is that you don’t. The term “serverless” comes from the idea that the server is abstracted from the developer, and is totally maintained by the cloud provider. In other words, the developer doesn’t really care what environment their code is run in; they just need it hosted somewhere where it can be executed. This removes the responsibility of infrastructure configuration and maintenance from the developer, but naturally gives them less flexibility and control over the environment.

It took me watching several presentations before I really understood the value behind serverless compute.

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Advanced Functions in Powershell

Robert Cain moves from basic to advanced:

In my previous post, I covered the use of PowerShell Basic Functions. In this post we’ll cover Advanced Functions.

Advanced Functions provide several abilities over basic ones. First, you can create a detailed parameter list, including the ability to include optional parameters.

Second, you can pipeline enable your functions. Just like a cmdlet, you’ll be able to take input from the pipeline, work with it, then send it out your function back into the pipeline. This will be the subject of our next post.

Finally, you can use features such as Verbose and Debug, which will be the subject of an upcoming blog post.

Click through for examples of what you can do with advanced functions.

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Using Triggers for Change Tracking

Chad Callihan shows how you can roll your own change tracking with triggers:

Have you ever come across triggers being used to audit table changes? In this post, we’ll look at a few examples of DML triggers in action.

Click through for examples around tracking updates and last edit times, as well as creating audit tables for operations.

If you do go this route, Chad has an important warning. In addition, I appreciate that the statements in this example support multi-row updates. That’s something people often forget when writing triggers.

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