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An Introduction to ML.NET

Ivan Matec gives us a walkthrough of the ML.NET library and its Model Builder component:

Before we dive into our example, let’s talk a bit about ML.NET history and its current state.

ML.NET draws its origins from the 2002’s Microsoft Research project named TMSN, which stands for “test mining search and navigation.” Later it was renamed to TLC, “the learning code.” ML.NET war derived from the TLC library. Initially, it was used on internal Microsoft products.

The first publicly available version ML.NET 1.0 was released in 2019. It included the Model Builder add-in and AutoML (Automated Machine Learning) capabilities.

The current version is 1.6.0. More details about all releases can be found on the official ML.NET release page.

ML.NET is not a bad library if you need to do some fairly simple work