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sp_QuickieStore in Action

Erik Darling has a new stored procedure. First up, an introduction:

If you’ve ever tried to write a query to find stuff in Query Store and quickly gotten frustrated, you’re not alone.

Whomever designed that schema hates you. It’s probably the same person who designed Extended Events.

I know, there’s a GUI. The stuff you can find in there is definitely useful, but I often find myself wishing it did a little bit more. Asking for additional features often feels like porridge-begging, and even if something new did get added eventually, it wouldn’t help you in the moment.

With all that in mind, I wrote sp_QuickieStore to try to take some of that pain away. As of this post, it’s V1. There will likely be changes and fixes and all that good stuff, but right now it’s good enough for an introduction.

Erik then shows off the results:

Under the more concise mode, you get one set of results back that combines metrics from query_store_runtime_stats, along with query text, query plan, and context settings. Some previews below. There’s a lot more in the actual results, but the screen caps would get very repetitive.

This looks really interesting, so go check it out.