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Limitations with Control Flows in Azure Data Factory

Meagan Longoria has a list:

If you’ve been using Azure Data Factory for a while, you might have hit some limitations that don’t exist in tools like SSIS or Databricks. Knowing these limitations up front can help you design better pipelines, so I’m listing a few here of which you’ll want to be aware.

1. You cannot nest For Each activities.
Within a pipeline, you cannot place a For Each activity inside of another For Each activity. If you need to iterate through two datasets you have two main options. You can combine the two datasets before you iterate over them. Or you can use a parent/child pipeline design where you move the inner For Each activity into the child pipeline. Fun fact: currently the Data Factory UI won’t stop you from nesting For Each activities. You won’t find out until you try to execute the pipeline.

Click through for several other limitations and workarounds.