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Day: December 16, 2020

sparklyr 1.5 Released

Yitao Li announces version 1.5 of sparklyr:

A large fraction of pull requests that went into the sparklyr 1.5 release were focused on making Spark dataframes work with various dplyr verbs in the same way that R dataframes do. The full list of dplyr-related bugs and feature requests that were resolved in sparklyr 1.5 can be found in here.

In this section, we will showcase three new dplyr functionalities that were shipped with sparklyr 1.5.

Read on to learn more about this update. H/T R-Bloggers

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Running Spark on Azure Kubernetes Service

Tsuyoshi Matsuzaki walks us through running Apache Spark on Azure Kubernetes Service:

Apache Spark officially includes Kubernetes support, and thereby you can run a Spark job on your own Kubernetes cluster. (See here for official document. Note that Kubernetes scheduler is currently experimental.)
Especially in Microsoft Azure, you can easily run Spark on cloud-managed Kubernetes, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

In this post, I’ll show you step-by-step tutorial for running Apache Spark on AKS. In this tutorial, artifacts, such as, source code, data, and container images are all protected by Azure credentials (keys).

Although managed services for Apache Spark, such as, Azure Databricks, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure HDInsight, is the best place to run Spark workloads, you will get much flexibility by running workloads on managed Kubernetes (AKS) – such as, spot VM support, start/stop cluster, confidential computing (Intel SGX) support, so on and so forth.

Read on to see how. Though of these options, I’d probably choose Azure Databricks or Azure Synapse Analytics well before the others.

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ETL Anti-Patterns: a Festivus Miracle

Tim Mitchell is ready to air some grievances:

We’re rounding the corner to the second half of December, which means it’s time for my favorite holiday: Festivus! Like many of you, I enjoy gathering around the Festivus pole and sharing the time-honored traditions such as the Feats Of Strength and the Airing Of Grievances.

But my favorite Festivus tradition takes place right here on this blog: the Eleven Days of Festivus. Each year, I write a daily blog post each of the eleven days leading up to Festivus, usually around a central theme. 

Tim has three posts up so far. First is around jumping straight into the code-writing phase:

Most data architects and developers are intensely curious folks. When we see a set of data, we want to immediately step into a data whisperer role. Where others may see a jumbled mess, we see an opportunity to discover patterns and answers. The best data architects crave those data discovery finds the same way a baseball player craves a bottom-of-the-9th game-winning home run.

That kind of intellectual curiosity is a necessary trait for data architects, but it can lead to a rush straight into writing ETL code. I’ve seen this a lot, and have done it myself (and admittedly still do it on occasion): skipping past the business-value analysis and diving straight into the haystack looking for needles. Getting raw data into a format that can easily be analyzed and validated is a critical part of the ETL development life cycle, but rarely is it the first step.

Second, processing too much data:

A common design flaw in enterprise ETL processes is that they are processing too much data. Having access to a great breadth and depth of data opens up lots of options for historical reporting and data analytics, but very often it is mistakenly assumed that all of the available data must be processed through ETL.

Although it may sound counterintuitive, there are many cases where purposefully leaving some data out of the ETL process leads to a better outcome. 

Third is performing full loads when incremental loads are possible:

Earlier this year, I wrote about the concepts of incremental loads and discussed the benefits of loading data incrementally. To recap: an incremental load moves only the new and changed data from each source – rather than the entire bulk of the source data – through the ETL pipeline.

Using incremental loads can improve both the speed and accuracy of data movement and transformation. The time required to process data increases with the volume of said data, and extracting only the new and changed data from the source can ensure an accurate ‘point-in-time’ representation of the data. For these reasons, loading data incrementally is, for most data load needs, the better way to go.

This is a good series to track.

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Working with SQL Server Certificates in Powershell

Peter Schott walks us through the process of certificate maintenance:

I recently had a need to add certificates to SQL Servers throughout an organization. There were quite a few servers to update and the certificates would need to be generated using a given format. This would include some descriptors for the names, IPv4 address, and ensuring that SQL Server would see the certificate when finished.

I realized this would need some sort of script so reached for PowerShell and the dbatools module. There’s a function in dbatools that supports setting the SQL Server Certificate and I knew that would be useful. But first, I had to generate the certificate itself. I read up on this in PowerShell and there’s no “easy” button for creating a certificate at this time, especially not when you need to add extra properties.  Posts such as this one helped me get started. It works by creating an INF file, then shelling out to “certreq.exe” to generate the CSR file needed to obtain a certificate from a certificate authority. We had need to use the DNS name, the FQDN, and the IPv4 address as part of our certificate request, so I had to adjust my code to handle that.

Click through to see how.

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Using the Synapse Studio Monitor Hub

Saveen Reddy takes us through monitoring processes in Azure Synapse Analytics:

In order to test out SQL Script Monitoring in Azure Synapse we need some SQL Scripts. We can get some good ones from Azure Synapse Knowledge Center. Inside the Synapse workspace, choose the Develop option from the left menu to open the Develop Hub. Select “+” Add New Resource command and Browse gallery to navigate to the gallery.

Read on to see it in action.

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