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The Session Window in Flink

Kundan Kumarr continues a series on windows in Apache Flink:

In the real world, all the work that we do online- Visiting a website, Clicking around the website, do online transactions, and so on are in sessions. We might just go to an e-commerce website like amazon, looking for products, clicking around for a bit, and then stop. All is done within a session. There is a use case where these websites may want to track pages that we visited in a single session. For that, it needs to group all clicks together which are streaming in, based on a session. These streaming use cases can be implemented easily by Flink Session window.

The Session windows assigner groups elements by sessions of activity. Session windows do not overlap and do not have a fixed start and end time. The number of entities within a session window is not fixed. Because it is a user who defines typically how long the session would be. A session window closes when it does not receive elements for a certain period of time, i.e., when a gap of inactivity occurred. For example, once we have been idle on the amazon website let say for 1 minute that is the end of the previous session and if go back to the site after 1 sec it will start a new session. The way it would determine the session is the pause between one click and another click.

Click through for a depiction and an example.