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T-SQL Tuesday Roundup

Mala Mahadevan rounds up T-SQL Tuesday #121:

7 people out of 18 people talk of their new dream jobs. This should give all of us hope that there are good gigs out there, if we are stuck in a bad place. No gig is perfect, of course, but it helps to have a dream and a direction to get to a better place. Almost everyone mentions their involvement with community/#sqlfamily as a huge reward. If you are reading this and not an active part of community yet – please consider doing so. It helps to be among supportive, uplifting people who care for you and have similar goals as you do.

To conclude – I really liked these lines from Shane O Neill’s post – ‘ I believe the best gift is the gifts that you can give back. So, here’s hoping that the next year sees us all help more than hinder, learn more than laze, and teach more than troll.’

Click through for posts from the 18 respondents.