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ETL with Spark and Hive

Emrah Mete gives us an example of using Apache Spark for ETL into Apache Hive:

Now let’s go to the construction of the sample application. In the example, we will first send the data from our Linux file system to the data storage unit of the Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS) (for example, Extraction). Then we will read the data we have written here with Spark and then we will apply a simple Transformation and write to Hive (Load). Hive is a substructure that allows us to query the data in the hadoop ecosystem, which is stored in this environment. With this infrastructure, we can easily query the data in our big data environment using SQL language.

Most of the things relational database professionals do are pretty much the same things that you do with Spark and Hive. There are differences in implementation and level of programming familiarity, but they’re pretty similar.