The performance benchmarks on CDH 6.0 show that enabling Parquet vectorization significantly improves performance for a typical ETL workload. In the test workload (TPC-DS), enabling parquet vectorization gave 26.5% performance improvement on average (geomean value of runtime for all the queries). Vectorization achieves these performance improvements by reducing the number of virtual function calls and leveraging the SIMD instructions on modern processors. A query is vectorized in Hive when certain conditions like supported column data-types and expressions are satisfied. However, if the query cannot be vectorized its execution falls back to a non-vectorized execution. Overall, for workloads which use the Parquet file format on most modern processors, enabling Parquet vectorization can lead to better query performance in CDH 6.0 and beyond.
This is worth looking into, especially if you are on the Cloudera stack.