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When Azure SQL DB Tells You You’re Hitting Your DTU Limits

Brent Ozar shows us how to use sp_BlitzFirst to determine if you’re hitting DTU limits:

You’ve got an Azure SQL DB, and your queries are going slow. You’re wondering, “Am I hitting the performance limits? Is Microsoft throttling my queries?”
There’s an easy way to check: run sp_BlitzFirst. sp_BlitzFirst is our free performance health check stored procedure that analyzes a lot of common performance issues and then gives you a prioritized list of reasons why your server might be slow right now.

Click through for an example.  The same signal can mean “it’s time to move to a higher level in your tier,” “it’s time to move up to the next tier,” or “it’s time to tune that cursor in a cursor in a cursor which performs several scans of a very large table for each operation.”