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Month: October 2018

Hybrid Columnstore And B+ Tree Designs

Adrian Colyer reviews a Microsoft paper on the combination of columnstore and B+ tree indexes on a single table:

The authors conducted a series of microbenchmarks as follows:

  • scans with single predicates with varying selectivity to study the trade-off between the range scan of a B+ tree vs a columnstore scan

  • sort and group-by queries to study the benefit of the sort order supported by B+ trees (columnstores in SQL Server are not sorted).

  • update statements with varying numbers of updated rows to analyze the cost of updating the different index types

  • mixed workloads with different combinations of reads and updates

It’s interesting to read an academic paper covering the topic, particularly when you can confirm that it works well in practice too.

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Finding Trace Flag Usage With dbachecks

Rob Sewell points out an addition to dbachecks:

This will show you
  • the UniqueTag which will enable you to run only that check if you wish
  • AllTags which shows which tags will include that check
  • Config will show you which configuration items can be set for this check

The trace flag checks require the app.sqlinstance configuration which is the list of SQL instances that the checks will run against. You can also specify the instances as a parameter for Invoke-DbCheck as well.

Click through for an example.

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Graph Additions In SQL Server 2019

Shreya Verma announces one of the new additions to graph database support in SQL Server 2019:

SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL Database introduced native graph database capabilities used to model many-to-many relationships. The first implementation of SQL Graph introduced support for nodes to represent entities, edges to represent relationships and a new MATCH predicate to support graph pattern matching and traversal.

We will be further expanding the graph database capabilities with several new features. In this blog we will discuss one of these features that is now available for public preview in SQL Server 2019Edge Constraints on Graph Edge Tables.

In the first release of SQL Graph, an edge could connect any node to any other node in the database. With Edge Constraints users can enforce specific semantics on the edge tables. The constraints also help in maintaining data integrity. This post describes how you can create and use edge constraints in a graph database. We will use the following  graph schema created in the WideWorldImporters database for the samples discussed here.

I know that SQL Server 2017 was a bit underwhelming for graph database work, so I will be interested in seeing how much of the gap they cover in this release.

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Best Practices For Tabular Models

Ginger Grant has started a new series on best practices for Analysis Services Tabular models:

Data Type Selection

The data type selected will impact the physical storage used, not the compression of the models in memory.  It is important whenever possible to reduce the cardinality of the data in order to be able to sort the data effectively.  When storing decimal numbers, unless you need many significant digits, store the data as Currency as it will take less space in physical storage than decimal.

Click through for additional tips.

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Thoughts On UTF-8 Encoding In SQL Server 2019

Solomon Rutzky digs into UTF-8 support in SQL Server 2019 and has found a few bugs:

Let’s start with what we are told about this new feature. According to the documentation, the new UTF-8 Collations:

  1. can be used …

    1. as a database-level default Collation
    2. as a column-level Collation
    3. by appending “_UTF8” to the end of any Supplementary Character-Aware Collation (i.e. either having “_SC” in their name, or being of level 140 or newer)
    4. with only the CHAR and VARCHAR
  2. (implied) have no effect on NCHAR and NVARCHAR data (meaning: for these types, the UTF-8 Collations behave the same as their non-UTF-8 equivalents

  3. “This feature may provide significant storage savings, depending on the character set in use.” (emphasis mine)

Solomon takes his normal, thorough approach to the problem and finds several issues.

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