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Creating A Panel For Slicers In Power BI

Matt Allington shows us how to create a collapsable panel in Power BI:

There is nothing worse than having a Power BI report that has 50% of the space taken up with slicers.  When this happens, you only get half the page to visualise the actual data.  But on the flip side, if you don’t have the slicers it can be harder for the report users to filter the data they want to see.  Many users don’t like using the built in filter pane on the right hand side.  All is not lost – there is a great way that you can have the best of both worlds by creating a collapsible slicer pane that you can show and hide on demand.

Now I didn’t invent this concept – I learnt it from looking at what others have done, such as Amanda Cofsky, Miguel Myers, Mike and Seth from and also Adam and Patrick from GuyInACube.  There are lots of great resources out there to learn tricks like this, so you should check those out.

You can see one simple interpretation of this solution below. The user can hide and collapse the slicer pane by using the arrow keys (#1 and #2 below).

Click through for the demo.