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When Disabled SQL Agent Jobs Still Run

David Fowler troubleshoots a nasty issue with the SQL Server Agent:

In a previous blog post: Duplicate Agent jobs – A good reason not to meddle with Msdb I explained a situation where someone was updating msdb tables manually rather than using the supplied system stored procedures such as msdb.dbo.sp_update_job, It would seem that this was not the only occasion where I would find myself in the midst of the meddlers’ medley.

This time around the meddler decided to disable the job using an update statement against the msdb.dbo.sysjobs table setting enabled from 1 to 0, you have no idea how long it took me to work that out!! but this lead me onto discovering more about the SQL server agent and its general behaviour.

Short form:  use the built in procedures to modify SQL Agent jobs rather than going off and updating tables on your own.  Click through for the long form, with plenty of interesting details.