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Cloning And Columnstore Statistics

Niko Neugebauer points out a fix in SQL Server 2019:

I have a huge love for the DBCC CLONEDATABASE command – it has been made available (backported) to every SQL Server version starting with SQL Server 2012, since the original release in SQL Server 2014, while being constantly improved in the Service Packs and Cumulative Updates.

This blog post is focusing on the Database Cloning improvement in the SQL Server 2019 that is already available in the public CTP 2.0 – the possibility of the automated statistics extraction for the Columnstore Indexes.
Well, there was quite a significant problem with the Columnstore Indexes previously – the statistics for them were not extracted into the cloned database, unless you did created the statistics in the most recent step before Database cloning.

Click through for more details and a comparison between SQL Server versions.