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HDF 3.2 Updates

Dinesh Chandrasekhar walks us through some of the updates to Hortonworks Data Flow version 3.2:

Kerberos keytab isolation
Kerberos keytabs can now be isolated at a per principal level. This allows for users in a multi-tenant environment to safely be able to reference specific keytabs and principals. This ensures that just because a user has access to a HDFS keytab they will not have access to all of the HDFS principals. This provides a more granular control so that users are limited to only the principals they require.

Kafka 1.1.1 Support
In HDF 3.2, Kafka has been upgraded from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1. Key features and improvements have been added with respect to security and governance. In addition to these bug fixes, an important new feature was added to capture producer and topic metrics at partition level without instrumenting or configuring interceptors on the clients. This provides a non-invasive approach to capture important metrics for producers without refactoring/modifying your existing Kafka clients

Hive 3 support
Apache NiFi now supports Hive 3 running on HDP 3.0. This support ensures better performance for Hive streaming to HDP, Hive streaming to S3, and the ability to write directly to ORC from NiFi without first converting your datasets to Avro. Writing directly to ORC for better Hive query performance is accomplished by using the NiFi PutORC processor. With HDF 3.2, a few other processors related to HBase and HDFS have also been updated and enhanced.

Looks like there are some good updates to this version.