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Month: July 2018

Changing SQL Agent Job Owners

Jason Brimhall shows us a quick method for changing SQL Agent job owners:

It is not unusual to find a server where some random user created a bunch of jobs to be run by SQL Agent. Sometimes, the user creating the job(s) sets themself as the owner of the job. There are certain cases where this behavior is hard to avoid like when creating a maintenance plan.

And of course, there are times when the user just doesn’t know any better. There is of course, the rare occasion when setting the job owner to be ones self makes the most sense -but that is few and far between in the grand scheme. Usually, you will want a non-expiring account such as a service account or a principal without “logon” permissions to be the owner.

The primary reason being simple – humans have an expiration date for every job they will ever have. When that expiration occurs, you may end up with any number of unwanted side effects. Unwanted side effects is exactly what we try to avoid in our jobs run via SQL Agent.

Click through for the script.  It’s also a good rule of thumb not to have your name attached to too many things; that way, your successor has no way of knowing you’re to blame for whatever awful hack is in place…

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Updating Tables With Faked Data

Phil Factor continues his data obfuscation series:

We are taking a slow-but-steady approach. We rewrite our code from the previous blog post that assembles the string; it now uses a view to get its random numbers, and we’ll speed it up slightly by putting a bit more intelligence into the markov table. We then put it in a slow User-defined Scalar function. We  want a scalar function that isn’t schema verified and is not considered to be deterministic. The reason for this is that it has to be executed every row despite having the same parameter.

There are many ways to store the information permanently in a Markov table but we’ll be using Table-valued parameters for our function. I’ll show how they are generated from the original information in AdventureWorks, but they could be so easily fetched from a table of markov entries with each markov set identified by a name. This could be delivered to you by the production DBA so that you wouldn’t need any access to the production server.

Next time, Phil promises to tackle dates.

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Nested Loops, Hash, Or Merge: Which Is Best?

Grant Fritchey dodges the important questions:

First response, also a joke, was the question at the title of this post:

What is the preferred operator when joining tables: Hash Match, Nested Loops or Merge?

While my immediate response to this question is, yes. Meaning, they’re all preferred, situationally. I decided to expand on that a bit.

I completely agree with Grant:  there is no single best operator.  If there were, database companies wouldn’t have multiple options.  That said, in an ideal world, all joins would be merge joins; in our fallen world, nested loops and hash matches often prove superior second-best alternatives.

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Kenneth Fisher digs into the COUNT() function and sees how it deals with NULL values:

Count the number of values
SELECT COUNT(FieldName) FROM TableName;
-- or

The ALL argument is the default and is unnecessary (I didn’t even know it existed until I started this post). Here you are counting the number of non NULL values in FieldName. So in a column with (1, NULL, 1, 2, 3, NULL, 1) you’ll get a count of 5. You do get a nice warning (depending on your ANSI_WARNINGS setting) if there was a NULL value though.

By the way, the ALL operator isn’t useful there, but can be useful along with its counterparts SOME and ANY.  I rarely keep them in my mind, so I instead tend to write EXISTS and NOT EXISTS statements which have operate on an equivalent function.

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New Features In Public Preview On Azure SQL Database

Microsoft has a round of announcements for public previews on Azure SQL Database.  First up is Kevin Farlee announcing approximate count distinct:

The new APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT aggregate function returns the approximate number of unique non-null values in a group.

This function is designed for use in big data scenarios and is optimized for the following conditions:

  • Access of data sets that are millions of rows or higher AND
  • Aggregation of a column or columns that have a large number of distinct values

Assuming these conditions, the accuracy will be within 2% of the precise result for a majority of workloads.

I’m liking this change.  Sometimes I simply need an approximate number  but I want it fast.

Shreya Verma announces MATCH support in the MERGE operator:

We will be further expanding the graph database capabilities with several new features. In this blog we will discuss one of these features that is now available for public preview in Azure SQL Database, MATCH support in MERGE DML for graph tables.

The MERGE statement performs insert, update, or delete operations on a target table based on the results of a join with a source table. For example, you can synchronize two tables by inserting, updating, or deleting rows in a target table based on differences between the target table and the source table. Using MATCH predicates in a MERGE statement is now supported on Azure SQL Database. That is, it is now possible to merge your current graph data (node or edge tables) with new data using the MATCH predicates to specify graph relationships in a single statement, instead of separate INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements.

I’ll use that approximately the day they fix all of the bugs with the MERGE operator.

Joe Sack announces row mode memory grant feedback:

In Azure SQL Database, we are further expanding query processing capabilities with several new features under the Intelligent Query Processing (QP) feature family.  In this blog post we’ll discuss one of these Intelligent QP features that is now available in public preview, row mode memory grant feedback.  Row mode memory grant feedback expands on the memory grant feedback feature by adjusting memory grant sizes for both batch and row mode operators.

Key feature benefits:

  • Reduce wasted memory. For an excessive memory grant condition, if the granted memory is more than two times the size of the actual used memory, memory grant feedback will recalculate the memory grant. Consecutive executions will then request less memory.

  • Decrease spills to disk. For an insufficiently sized memory grant that results in a spill to disk, memory grant feedback will trigger a recalculation of the memory grant. Consecutive executions will then request more memory.

This was big for batch mode operators, and I’m happy to see it move to row mode operators as well.

Finally, Joe also announces table variable deferred compilation:

In Azure SQL Database, we will be further expanding query processing capabilities with several new features under the Intelligent Query Processing (QP) feature family.  In this blog post we’ll discuss one of these Intelligent QP features that is now available in public preview in Azure SQL Database, table variable deferred compilation.

Table variable deferred compilation improves plan quality and overall performance for queries referencing table variables. During optimization and initial compilation, this feature will propagate cardinality estimates that are based on actual table variable row counts.  This accurate row count information will be used for optimizing downstream plan operations.

This one has the potential to be a pretty big performance improvement as well.

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Creating The Ultimate Calendar Table

Daniel Hutmacher has started to create a comprehensive calendar table:

It’s a collection of inline table value functions that generate different types of calendars, with a number of properties that could be relevant for a calendar dimension. Each function has a unique date column, so you can join the functions you need together in a view or a procedure. The functions are:

  • Dates: a plain gregorian calendar.

  • Fiscal, annual: a gregorian, year-based calendar where you can define the start of a year, like a corporate fiscal calendar.

  • Fiscal, 4-4-5 or 52/53: a week-based calendar where years comprise four quarters of 4+4+5 weeks respectively.

  • Indian national calendar

  • Persian calendar

  • Thai calendar

  • Dates of Catholic and Orthodox easter

  • Lunar cycle

I was going to jokingly be shocked that this list didn’t include the Hebrew or Islamic calendars, but then Daniel had to ruin my fun by explaining why not.  Check it out and when you’re ready to give it a try, head over to his downloads page.

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Testing Spatial Equilibrium Concepts With tidycensus

Ignacio Sarmiento Barbieri walks us through the concept of spatial equilibrium and tests using data from the tidycensus package:

Let’s take the model to the data and reproduce figures 2.1. and 2.2 of “Cities, Agglomeration, and Spatial Equilibrium”. The focus are two cities, Chicago and Boston. These cities are chosen because both differ in how easy is to access to their city centers. Chicago is fairly easy, Boston is more complicated. Our model then implies that gradients then should reflect the differential costs to access the city centers.

So let’s begin, the first step is to get some data. To do so I’m are going to use the “tidycensus” package. This package will allow me to get data from the census website using their API. We are also going to need the help of three other packages: “sf” to handle spatial data, “dplyr” my go-to package to wrangle data, and “ggplot2” to plot my results.

require("tidycensus", quietly=TRUE)
require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
require("dplyr", quietly=TRUE)
require("ggplot2", quietly=TRUE)

In order to get access to the Census API, I need to supply a key, which can be obtained from

Read on for theory and a test.  H/T R-bloggers

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Interacting With SQL Server From Pandas

Tomaz Kastrun shows how to use pyodbc to interact with a SQL Server database from Pandas:

In the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), the ease of using external procedure sp_execute_external_script has been (and still will be) discussed many times. But the reason for this short blog post is the fact that, changing Python environments using Conda package/module management within Microsoft SQL Server (Services), is literally impossible. Scenarios, where you want to build  a larger set of modules (packages) but are impossible to be compatible with your SQL Server or Conda, then you would need to set up a new virtual environment and start using Python from there.

Communicating with database to load the data into different python environment should not be a problem. Python Pandas module is an easy way to store dataset in a table-like format, called dataframe. Pandas is very powerful python package for handling data structures and doing data analysis.

Click through for examples of reading and writing data.

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Chirag Shah explains what the HADR_DATABASE_WAIT_FOR_TRANSITION_TO_VERSIONING wait type really means:

Recently a customer reported an interesting issue, while querying against recently added readable replica, SELECT statement is shown as suspended and session is shown as waiting on HADR_DATABASE_WAIT_FOR_TRANSITION_TO_VERSIONING


Upon more investigation, it appeared to be waiting on with a wait type HADR_DATABASE_WAIT_FOR_TRANSITION_TO_VERSIONING

The behavior is by design as mention in the SQL Server product documentation and applicable to all version of SQL Server that supports availability group.

Read on for the explanation.

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Greg Low walks us through a mechanism to check whether data has changed:

In a previous post, I wrote about how to determine if a set of incoming values for a row are different to all the existing values in the row, using T-SQL in SQL Server.

I later remembered that I’d seen a message by Adam Machanic a while back, talking about how FOR JSON PATH might be useful for this, so I did a little more playing around with it.

If you are using SQL Server 2016 or later, I suspect this is a really good option.

Click through to see an example using the WideWorldImporters database.

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