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Contrasting Plotly And Seaborn

Natasha Sharma contrasts the Seaborn and Plotly libraries for visualizing data:

It was important to use a library which can provide easy and high-class interactivity. Before embedding the plots into my website code, I tested a few different libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn in order to visualize the results and to see how different they can look. After few trials, I came across Plotly library and found it valuable for my project because of its inbuilt functionality which gives user a high class interactivity.

In this post, I am going to compare Seaborn and Plotly using – Bar Chart and Heatmap diagram. I will be using Breast cancer dataset to visualize these plots. But before jumping into the comparison, the dataset I used needed preprocessing like data cleaning so, I followed steps.

In this case, the contrast is mostly lines of code versus visual quality; read on for more.