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Uploading Files To Azure Blob Storage With Data Factory V2

Ben Jarvis shows how to use Azure Data Factory V2 to upload files from an on-prem server to Azure Blob Storage:

In ADF V2 the integration runtime is responsible for providing the compute infrastructure that carries out data movement between data stores. A self-hosted integration runtime is an on-premise version of the integration runtime that is able to perform copy activities to and from on-premise data stores.

When we configure a self-hosted integration runtime the data factory service, that sits in Azure, will orchestrate the nodes that make up the integration runtime through the use of Azure Service Bus meaning our nodes that are hosted on-prem are performing all of our data movement and connecting to our on-premises data sources while being triggered by our data factory pipelines that are hosted in the cloud. A self-hosted integration runtime can have multiple nodes associated with it, which not only caters for high availability but also gives an additional performance benefit as ADF will use all of the available nodes to perform processing.

Read on for the scripts and full process.