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Understanding DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS Outputs

Bill Wolf continues his series on statistics by looking at what DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS gives you:

When I was putting together the lesson plans for this, I wanted to make my own query for the comparisons, not borrow one from another site or blog.  Yes, I borrow plenty, but I wanted this to be mine.  When I was presenting my “code tuning” class, I had recently upgraded my instance from 2012 to 2017.  I had also put my database into 2017 compatibility mode.  I had used this query to show that unions that are intensive can cause issues with tempdb and cause spill over.  To my “joy”, when I ran the query in the class I did not get the tempdb spillover.  And right then I realized that I was not in Kansas(2012 compatibility) any longer.  But this proved to be opportunistic for the statistics/optimizer comparison.

Read on for a discussion of the cardinality estimator as well.