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Error Handling In Scala

Manish Mishra gives a few examples of how to handle errors in Scala:

Try[T] is another construct to capture the success or a failure scenarios. It returns a value in both cases. Put any expression in Try and it will return Success[T] if the expression is successfully evaluated and will return Failure[T] in the other case meaning you are allowed to return the exception as a value. However with one restriction that it in case of failures it will only return Throwable types:

def validateZipCode(zipCode:String): Try[Int] = Try(zipCode.toInt)

But Throwing an exception doesn’t make much sense here since it is not much of a calculation. Although we can take this example to understand the use case. If the given string is not a number, it will be a failure. The value from the Try can be extracted in same as Option. It can be matched

As you write more complicated Spark operations, handling errors becomes critical.