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Month: March 2017

Retaining system_health Metrics

Taiob Ali looks at the system_health Extended Events session:

What this article does not tell you is your individual file size is 5 MB and number of maximum rollover file is 4. Meaning you will only get 20 MB of data. Once that limit is reached your older data is lost and there is no way to recover.

Often time you have an issue with the application pointing to SQL Server and you want to diagnose the problem with system_health files. You find that files already rolled over and information you are looking for is not available. I will explain how you can solve this problem and retain system_health session files for longer period.

Read on for the solution.

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Using Prophet For Stock Price Predictions

Marcelo Perlin looks at Facebook’s Prophet to see if it works well for predicting stock price movements:

The previous histogram shows the total return from randomly generated signals in 10^{4} simulations. The vertical line is the result from using prophet. As you can see, it is a bit higher than the average of the distribution. The total return from prophet is lower than the return of the naive strategy in 27.5 percent of the simulations. This is not a bad result. But, notice that we didn’t add trading or liquidity costs to the analysis, which will make the total returns worse.

The main results of this simple study are clear: prophet is bad at point forecasts for returns but does quite better in directional predictions. It might be interesting to test it further, with more data, adding trading costs, other forecasting setups, and see if the results hold.

This is a very interesting article, worth reading.  H/T R Bloggers

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Copying Azure SQL Databases Between Subscriptions

Arun Sirpal shows that it’s pretty easy to copy an Azure SQL Database from one subscription to another:

If you ever need to move a copy of a  SQL database in Azure across servers then here is a quick easy way.

So let’s say you need to take a copy of database called [Rack] within Subscription A that is on server ABCSQL1 and name it database [NewRack] within subscription B on server called RBARSQL1 (The SQL Servers are in totally different data centers too).

Read on for the answer.

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Securing A Data Driven Application

K Brian Kelley has started a series on securing applications which connect to SQL Server:

In conjunction with the webinar I gave last month for MSSQLTips, I’ve started an article series on application database security design.

Read Part 1 – Authentication for SQL Server

The issue with a one hour webcast is one can’t cover a broad topic like application database security design in any depth. However, these webcasts are useful because they point out, at a high level, what to look for. It was my intent all along to do the webinar and follow up with a series of articles that cover each topic in detail. I’m not sure how many articles I’ll end up writing, as I want to make sure I cover each topic in the depth it needs while still keeping the article length manageable.

This first post is all about comparing and contrasting credentials options and authentication methods.

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David Smith writes about the htmlwidgets gallery in R:

While R’s base graphics library is almost limitlessly flexible when it comes to create static graphics and data visualizations, new Web-based technologies like d3 and webgl open up new horizons in high-resolution, rescalable and interactive charts. Graphics built with these libraries can easily be embedded in a webpage, can be dynamically resized while maintaining readable fonts and clear lines, and can include interactive features like hover-over data tips or movable components. And thanks to htmlwidgets for R, you can easily create a variety of such charts using R data and functions, explore them in an interactive R session, and include them in Web-based applications for others to experience.

There are some nice widgets in this set.

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Building A Python Project Template

Henk Griffioen shows how to create a standardized project in Python, focusing on data science scenarios:

Project structures often organically grow to suit people’s needs, leading to different project structures within a team. You can consider yourself lucky if at some point in time you find, or someone in your team finds, a obscure blog post with a somewhat sane structure and enforces it in your team.

Many years ago I stumbled upon ProjectTemplate for R. Since then I’ve tried to get people to use a good project structure. More recently DrivenData (what’s in a name?) released their more generic Cookiecutter Data Science.

The main philosophies of those projects are:

  • A consistent and well-organized structure allows people to collaborate more easily.

  • Your analyses should be reproducible and your structure should enable that.

  • A projects starts from raw data that should never be edited; consider raw data immutable and only edit derived sources.

This is a set of prescriptions and focuses on the phase before the project actually kicks off.

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Frequency Tables

Mala Mahadevan shows how to generate a frequency table in T-SQL and in R:

My results are as below. I have 1000 records in the table. This tells me that I have 82 occurences of age cohort 0-5, 8.2% of my dataset is from this bracket, 82 again is the cumulative frequency since this is the first record and 8.2 cumulative percent. For the next bracket 06-12 I have 175 occurences, 17.5 %, 257 occurences of age below 12, and 25.7 % of my data is in this age bracket. And so on.

Click through for the T-SQL and R scripts.

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Backup And Recovery With Hadoop

Tim Spann explains how to perform backup/recovery operations and disaster recovery using Hadoop:

You can mirror datasets with Falcon. Mirroring is a very useful option for enterprises and is well-documented. This is something that you may want to get validated by a third party. See the following resources:

Tim shows several recovery options, making it useful reading if you use Hadoop as a source system for anything (or if you can’t afford it to be down for a 2-3 day period as you recover data).

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Trace Flag Basics

Erin Stellato explains the basics behind trace flags in SQL Server:

Trace flag 1118 addresses contention that can exist on a particular type of page in a database, the SGAM page.  This trace flag typically provides benefit for customers that make heavy use of the tempdb system database.  In SQL Server 2016, you change this behavior using the MIXED_PAGE_ALLOCATION database option, and there is no need for TF 1118.

Trace flag 3023 is used to enable the CHECKSUM option, by default, for all backups taken on an instance.  With this option enabled, page checksums are validated during a backup, and a checksum for the entire backup is generated.  Starting in SQL Server 2014, this option can be set instance-wide through sp_configure (‘backup checksum default’).

The last trace flag, 3226, prevents the writing of successful backup messages to the SQL Server ERRORLOG.  Information about successful backups is still written to msdb and can be queried using T-SQL.  For servers with multiple databases and regular transaction log backups, enabling this option means the ERRORLOG is no longer bloated with BACKUP DATABASE and Database backed up messages.  As a DBA, this is a good thing because when I look in my ERRORLOG, I really only want to see errors, I don’t want to scroll through hundreds or thousands of entries about successful backups.

Click through for more useful information, including a list of officially supported trace flags.

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PFS Page Repair

Paul Randal explains why DBCC CHECKDB cannot repair Page Free Space pages:

PFS pages occur every 8088 pages in every data file and store a byte of information about itself and the following 8087 pages. The most important piece of information it stores is whether a page is allocated (in use) or not. You can read more about PFS pages and the other per-database allocation bitmaps in this blog post.

So why can’t they be repaired by DBCC CHECKDB, when all the other per-database allocation bitmaps can?

The answer is that the is-this-page-allocated-or-not information is not duplicated anywhere else in the database, and it’s impossible to reconstruct it in all cases.

In case you’re not particularly familiar with PFS pages, Paul has a blog post from 2006 describing GAM, SGAM, and PFS pages.

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