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Month: February 2017

JSON In Clustered Columnstore Indexes

Jovan Popovic gives a use case for JSON data being part of a clustered columnstore index:

This is equivalent to collections that you might find in classic NoSQL database because they store each JSON document as a single entity and optionally create indexes on these documents. The only difference is CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE index on this table that provides the following benefits:

  1. Data compression – CCI uses various techniques to analyze your data and choose optimal compression algorithms to compress data.

  2. Batch mode analytic – queries executed on CCI process rows in the batches from 100 to 900 rows, which might be much faster than row-mode execution.

I think it’s worth reading this in conjunction with Niko Neugebauer’s comments regarding strings in columnstore.

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Compatibility Level And Forced Plans

Erin Stellato has an experiment with Query Store plan forcing:

A question came up recently about plan guides and compatibility mode, and it got me thinking about forced plans in Query Store and compatibility mode.  Imagine you upgraded to SQL Server 2016 and kept the compatibility mode for your database at 110 to use the legacy Cardinality Estimator.  At some point, you have a plan that you force for a specific query, and that works great.  As time goes on, you do testing with the new CE and eventually are ready to make the switch to compatibility mode 130.  When you do that, does the forced plan continue to use compatibility mode 110?  I had a guess at the answer but thought it was worth testing.

There are some interesting results here.

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Thinking About The Gitlab Outage

Brent Ozar shares his thoughts on the recent Gitlab outage:

You can read more about the details in GitLab’s outage timeline doc, which they heroically shared while they worked on the outage. Oh, and they streamed the whole thing live on YouTube with over 5,000 viewers.

There are so many amazing lessons to learn from this outage: transparency, accountability, processes, checklists, you name it. I’m not sure that you, dear reader, can actually put a lot of those lessons to use, though. After all, your company probably isn’t going to let you live stream your outages. (I do pledge to you that I’m gonna do my damnedest to do that ourselves with our own services, though.)

There are some good pointers in here.

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Understanding DBCC PAGE

David Alcock looks at the undocumented DBCC PAGE command:

This is an error that has been picked up on one of my test systems and indicates that SQL Server has detected a torn page, that is a page that has been incorrectly written by SQL Server and possibly indicates a problem in the IO subsystem.

The problem here is that whilst we know the database and the page where the error has occurred we don’t know the specific table the page belongs and importantly what type of page is in error. The reason why the page type is important is because this will drastically impact our recovery process but the first thing we will do is check a system table to see if any other page errors have been reported:

DBCC PAGE is just about the most-documented undocumented command around.  Worth a read.

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Excel Data Cleansing

Cedric Charlier continues his series on fixing up an Excel file.  First up is turning results into an enumeration:

We’ve previously decided that a DON’T KNOW, shouldn’t influence our average of the answers. To apply this decision, we just need to filter the table Result and remove all the values equal to 0 (Enum value of DON’T KNOW). Then we calculate the average and subtract 1 to get a value between 0 and 4. Coooool, except that if we’ve no value non equal to 0, it will return -1 … not what we’re expecting. We’ll need to validate that the average is not null before subtracting 1.

The next post involves converting respondent information into a dimension:

In this table, only the results with a QuestionId equal to 111 really interest me for a merge with the existing table Respondent. If you’re familiar with the UI of Power BI Desktop then you’ll probably think to create a new table referencing this one then filter on QuestionId equals 111and finally merge. It’ll work but applying this strategy could result in many “temporary” tables. A lot of these small tables used only for a few steps before merging with other tables tend to be a nightmare for maintenance. You can use the “Advanced formula editor” to not display this kind of temporary tables and embed them in your main table.

Read on for more.

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Viewing Partitions

Kendra Little has a query to view partitions:

This helps make sure that you’re designing your tables correctly, and it also helps you avoid goofs like merging the wrong boundary point and causing a bunch of data to move into another– which can be slow and painful.

All this information is available in TSQL, it’s just an ugly query, and it doesn’t come in any built-in reports or views.

So I’ve got an ugly query for you!

Having a script like this is very helpful if you use partitioning for anything.

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Columnstore And Strings

Niko Neugebauer has a great knowledge dump regarding strings in columnstore indexes:

Having Strings in Fact tables is something that is quite normal, but to be honest, in the most cases – does not make a lot of sense, since we are trying to keep there the information that can be calculated and/or aggregated. Notice that I have written in the most cases and NOT in all cases, because there are some noticeable exceptions. Additionally if you are “feeding” SSAS Tabular with your table this might be much easier to do it directly (hey, there is a solution through the views for that, I was told :)).

In this blog post, I am focusing not on the exceptions but on the typical cases where its not the best option and so here is a basic solution I just wanted to present you an optimised structure, which contains a tinyint column referring to the new table with distinct data for the ShipMode.

The string experience with columnstore can be troublesome.  It’s great for numeric values, but less great for strings.

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File Snapshot Backups

Raul Gonzalez digs into file snapshot backups in Azure:

One of the limitations for these ‘File Snapshot Backups’ (and probably the most important) is that all our databases files must be stored in the cloud, so we can take my previous post just as the preparation for what is coming now.

In order to move our files to the cloud we have different possibilities, one might be the typical approach where we’re allowed for some down time.

Check it out; you might want to give file snapshot backups a try.

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