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Paul Randal explains an uncommon wait stat:

Last week I was sent an email question about the cause of LOGMGR_RESERVE_APPEND waits, and in Monday’s Insider newsletter I wrote a short explanation. It’s a very unusual wait to see as the highest wait on a server, and in fact it’s very unusual to see it at all.

It happens when a thread is generating a log record and needs to write it into a log block, but there’s no space in the log to do so. The thread first tries to grow the log, and if it fails, and the database is in the simple recovery mode, then it waits for 1 second to see if log clearing/truncation can happen in the meantime and free up some space. (Note that when I say ‘simple recovery mode’, this also included a database in full or bulk_logged, but where a full backup has not been taken – i.e. the database is operating in what’s called pseudo-simple.)

Read on for more details and a repro script.