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Kevin Hill diagnoses an SSPI error:

Apparently, the account was either locked out from our failed logon attempts, or had been disabled in Active Directory due to its age.  They do that sometimes.   Most likely the issue was locked.

We restarted the SQL Server (O/S restart) and that resolved it once the AD group unlocked it.

My assumption is that the lockout either blocked Kerberos authentication due to SPN no longer being valid, or the SPN itself got corrupted.  It was still there, just not working.   Verified its existence through running SetSPN -L with the account name.

This is on my top five list of least helpful error messages.  Even if it is literally true, it does not help you diagnose and correct the issue.  There are a number of potential causes and it’s up to you to troubleshoot each one (assuming you even know that it could be an issue) until it just works again.