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Hive 2.1 Benchmarks

Nita Dembla and Gopal Vijayaraghavan compare Hive 2.1 versus Hive 1:

To measure the improvement LLAP brings we ran 15 queries that were taken from the TPC-DS benchmark, similar to what we have done in the past. The entire process was run using the hive-testbench repository and data generation tools. The queries there are adapted to Hive SQL but are otherwise not modified from the standard TPC-DS queries using any of the tricks that some big data vendors routinely use to show better performance for their tools. This blog only covers 15 queries but a more comprehensive performance test is underway.

The full test environment is explored below but at a high level the tests run using 10 powerful VMs with a 1TB dataset that is intended to show performance at data scales commonly used with BI tools. The same VMs and the same data are used both for Hive 1 and for Hive 2. All reported times represent the average across 3 runs in the respective Hive version.

Hive 2.1 looks like a big step forward for Hadoop performance.