Patrick LeBlanc has an embedded report which shows Enterprise Edition-only features:
Someone recently asked me if there was a list of all the SQL Server “Enterprise Only” features available on the web. I pointed them to the Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server web page and thought I was done. He stated that this site was good, but did not provide a simple list of enterprise only features. I thought for a second, and my thoughts went straight to Power BI. Why? Simple, there are tables on the web page, and Power BI can easily extract that data into a data model. I am not going to go into all those details in this blog post. Maybe one day, but for now take a look at this interactive Power BI report and let me know what you think.
I think this layout is a bit easier to read and follow than the features website, although I’d love to be able to click on an item and get more information on the feature.