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Analyze In Excel

Avi Singh notes that Power BI will soon allow you to analyze data sets in Excel:

As a Modern Excel enthusiast (Modern Excel = Excel + Power Pivot + Power Query = Magic!), I found myself hesitant in embracing the new world of Power BI. Many of those inhibitions have shed away as Microsoft has continued to innovate and deliver an outstanding experience with Power BI. But I could not get over the feeling that going from Excel to Power BI felt like a one-way street.

You could upload/import an Excel Power Pivot model into Power BI desktop or onto But then you could not get it back. You could not get it back in Excel. In thefirst blog post on the site (yes the very first) Rob called us gridheads, and that we are.

Excel is still the top tool for business users.  Anything you can do to make life easier for your Excel users makes life easier for you as well.