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Category: Wait Stats

The Cause of Resource Semaphore Waits

Chad Callihan has an analogy for us:

Have you ever spent Black Friday shopping, filled up your car, and then ran out of space at the end for a big purchase? Your vehicle is already full but that oversized exercise equipment is too big of a deal to pass up! You’re going to have to wait until you can unload at home first before there’s room for that new clothes rack…um…I mean exercise equipment.

That’s kind of the same idea as RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE waits. SQL Server has a large query (that exercise equipment) but not enough memory to execute (purchase).

Read on for Chad’s explanation of how you can deal with RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE waits, but as someone who drives a Miata, of course I have stories. My wife and I went to the mall one day, a few years back, and we bought a space heater for the room above our garage. Well, that thing was just a little too big for the trunk and so, on a 40-something degree day (approximately -15,000 in Celsius, I’m pretty sure), here we are driving down the highway in a Miata with the top down and my wife’s arms wrapped around this box (and mind you, the box was bigger around than she is, so those arms don’t quite get all the way around that box) sitting in the passenger’s seat. Good times.

Now, in fairness to that car, you can fit a lot of stuff in a Miata trunk. Another time, we’d bought a large area rug for our dining room, as well as a lengthy floor runner. When we made the purchase, I thought it was going to be delivered, but nope. I did learn that day, however, just how compressible a rug is, as they proceeded to bind that thing so together that it fit comfortably into the trunk, where by “comfortably” I mean “barely but I’m trying to sell up how large this trunk is.” As for the floor runner, we had to cram it into the space between the headrests on our seats and the raised top, where it just barely fit. Sure, I couldn’t see behind me, but winners never look back.

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All about Synchronous Stats Updates

Paul Randal shares some thoughts about synchronous stats updates:

The SQL Server query optimizer makes use of statistics during query compilation to help determine the optimal query plan. By default, if the optimizer notices a statistic is out-of-date because of too many changes to a table, it will update the statistic immediately before query compilation can continue (only the statistics it needs, not all the statistics for the table).

Note that “too many” is non-specific because it varies by version and whether trace flag 2371 is enabled – see the AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS section of this page for details.

Read on to learn more, including the problems that synchronous stats updates can cause, what you can do to avoid them, and ways you can tell that synchronous stats updates are a problem in your environment.

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Sean Gallardy lays out what HADR_SYNC_COMMIT really tells you:

Initially I thought to myself, “this is the most misunderstood wait type that exists in the HA space for SQL Server”, then I realized maybe this isn’t the case… So, I pondered over this question, “is it truly misunderstood?” and came to the (possibly incorrect) realization that it is quite accurate in the general SQL Server’s users’ space of understanding. I also concluded that, really, it’s the way the wait is used in SQL Server coupled with how waits work in SQL Server, which leads to how it is viewed. Let me explain….

You’ll definitely want to read Sean’s explanation.

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Exchange Spill Wait Stats

Erik Darling looks at exchange spills:

There are quite high waits on PAGEIOLATCH_EX, SLEEP_TASK, and SLEEP_BPOOL_STEAL rounding out the top five. This is quite interesting, because I’ve never explicitly thought of PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits in the context of exchange spills. Normally, I think of them when queries read pages from disk into memory for modification.

Going down the line, SLEEP_TASK is familiar from our time spent with hash spills, but SLEEP_BPOOL_STEAL is so far undocumented anywhere.

Erik also does the math on this query and recommends that you not write a query like this one.

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Hash Spill Wait Stats

Erik Darling continues a series on interesting wait stats:

Hash spills are, as we’ll see, sometimes identified by a different wait than sort spills. In small quantities, spills are often not worth bothering with. But when they pile up, they can really cause some severe performance issues.

In this post, I want to show that both Hash Aggregate and Joins can cause the same wait type to show, along with some evidence that strings make things worse.

Click through for a good explanation of the wait stat you’re liable to see the most.

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Wait Stats on Sort Spills

Erik Darling starts a new series on wait stats, starting with one particular topic:

The point is not that spills are the sole things that cause these waits, it’s just to give you some things to potentially watch out for if you see these waits piling up and can’t pin down where they’re coming from.

In all the queries, I’m going to be using the MAX_GRANT_PERCENT hint to set the memory grant ridiculously low to make the waits I care about stick out.

Click through for the first of several demonstrations.

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Wait Stats Not in Query Store

Erik Darling says wait, wait, don’t tell me:

There are some oddities in the documentation for query store wait stats.

One is that RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE_QUERY_COMPILE is listed as a collected wait, but with an asterisk that says it’s not actually collected. I’ve tested workloads that generate lots of that wait, and just like the docs say, it doesn’t end up there.

Of course, since I added wait stats recently to sp_QuickieStore, I wanted to make sure other waits that I care about actually show up in there.

Read on to see which wait stats you can find in Query Store and which you’ll have to get from someplace else.

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Fixing Those Pesky Wait Stats

David Alcock keeps us from having to think:


Attempt to pronounce parallellellellellism correctly then set MAXDOP to 1.


Mention TempDB and contention in the same sentence. Delete TempDB


Delete any long running backup jobs. If wait persists then delete all backup jobs.

Click through for plenty of excellent nuggets of advice which definitely won’t land you on the unemployment line.

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Threadpool Waits

Chad Callihan recommends not messing with worker threads:

Our story begins on a test server hosting a couple hundred databases. Over time, the server kept getting slower and slower when trying to navigate in SSMS. Query windows would take too much time to load, logging in would lag a bit, etc. When investigating with sp_Blitz, I found that the server had been experiencing Threadpool waits.

There are some cases where increasing thread count is important, especially when you’re working with database mirroring or availability groups. I worked with a customer with thousands of mirrored databases per server. None of the databases were particularly large or heavily-used, so it was on properly-sized hardware. As a result, to prevent the server from falling over due to threadpool waits, we had to scale thread counts to scary-high levels.

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Collecting Wait Stats Over Time

Michael J. Swart has a repo for us:

I find wait stats so useful that I’ve got Paul Randal’s SQL Server Wait Statistics (or please tell me where it hurts…) bookmarked and I visit it frequently.

But that gives the total amount of waits for each wait type accumulated since the server was started. And that isn’t ideal when I’m troubleshooting trouble that started recently. No worries, Paul also has another fantastic post Capturing wait statistics for a period of time.

You can also get this from various monitoring tools, as Michael mentions, but if you don’t have such a tool in place, here’s how you can roll your own.

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