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Semi-Additive Averages In DAX

Koen Verbeeck shows how to calculate a semi-additive measure using DAX:

A semi-additive average? What exactly are you trying to calculate? Let me explain first. A semi-additive measure is a measure that can be summed across some dimensions, but not all. Typically it’s the time dimension that isn’t additive. For example, the stock level at various warehouses. You can add all the stock levels of your warehouses together, to get an idea of how much stock you have for your entire company. However, you can’t add the stock level across time. 250 stock yesterday and 240 stock today doesn’t equal 490 stock for the two days. In reality the sum aggregation is replaced with another aggregation when aggregating over the non-additive dimension. In our stock example, we could use the last value known (240) or the average (245). Which aggregation you want depends on the requirements.

In this blog post I’m going to calculate a semi-additive measure, using the average for the non-additive dimension. Quite recently a colleague asked how you could calculate this in DAX. The use case is simple: there are employees that perform hours on specific tasks. The number of hours is our measure. The different tasks (the task dimension) is additive. The employee dimension however is not when we calculate an average. When two employees are selected, the result should not be the average of all the individual hours, but rather the average of the sum of the hours per employee. Let’s illustrate with an example:

That’s really interesting, and a good bit easier to do than the T-SQL equivalent (at least in one step).