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Curated SQL Posts

RSExecRole Already Exists

Dave Mason troubleshoots an annoying error:

When migrating an instance of SSRS, I performed a backup of the [ReportServer] and [ReportServerTemp] SSRS databases from a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance and restored them to a SQL Server 2017 instance. After installing SSRS 2017 on the target machine, I ran SSRS configuration and attempted to set the Current Report Server Database to the existing [ReportServer] database I had already restored:

Read on to see the error and Dave’s fix. As I get older and more cantankerous, I realize even further the benefit of rerunnable scripts and repeatable processes. They prevent so many errors of this sort.

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Visualizing a Table

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic takes a fairly simple table and creates eight visuals out of it:

STEP 1: When I encounter this table, I start reading and scanning down columns and across rows. In terms of specific observations, I might start by noticing that the majority of accounts are in Tiers B and C, while Tiers A and A+—though they don’t make up a huge number (or percentage) of accounts—do make up a meaningful amount of revenue. In terms of questions, I wonder if the tiers are in order: I would think A+ belongs above A and am confused that they don’t appear that way in the table (perhaps due to alphabetical sorting?).

This is a really nice practical exercise if you want to learn how to apply the right visuals to tell your story.

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Memory-Optimized Tempdb Metadata

Niko Neugebauer takes a detailed look at an exciting 2019 feature:

Anyone who has ever seen/done tuning bigger Hardware would instantly be interested, since the CPU is clearly going 100% during the processing, showing APPARENT better focus on the process and hopefully better performance. Since the granularity of the Task Manager for both cases is the same, you can easily notice that overall spent significantly less time churning the same workload and that is very true – we have spent just 11.777 Seconds on the average!

The main benefit to this is an environment where you’re creating and destroying a lot of temp tables concurrently. If you are in that situation, you can realize significant performance improvements. But Niko does have a warning at the end.

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Dealing with Time Zones in SQL Server

Nate Johnson hates time zones:

To start with, the transactional data is in PST/PDT — i.e. Pacific Time with DST fluctuation. Yes, it’s horrible. No, I don’t know what happens to events or jobs at 2am on the “Fall Back” date, or between 2am and 3am on the “Spring Forward” date. No, I can’t change it right now. Stop whining.

Now, I have offices in Paris France, Hong Kong, and Beijing China. These are 3 different “time zones”, but only 2 different offsets — China and Hong Kong are in the same bucket, namely, UTC +08:00. More on that later.

Dates and currencies are seemingly two of the simplest things we deal with, but two of the most complex sets of data types.

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Plan Forcing and Availability Groups

Milos Radivojevic shows an example where plan forcing might not work:

In my previous post about Query Store, you saw that persistence of forced plans does not imply that they are used. This post brings another example where forced plans are still in the system, with no failures, but they are not applied against a desired query.

For this demo, we need a database which is a part of the availability group. 

Click through to see why failover might cause your forced queries no longer to work.

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Getting Table Row Counts

Adrian Buckman has a new stored procedure:

Sometimes you just want to get a quick row count for a specific table – other times you may want to see a list of tables order by size or row count or perhaps you are monitoring table row counts, whatever it is the chances are you have a script or various scripts stashed away and maybe like me you end up re writing parts of them to suit your requirements.

I got bored of that game so I decided to write a stored proc to make things easier.

Read on to see the procedure in action and then check it out in the Undercover Toolbox.

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MultiSubNetFailover and Availablity Groups

William Assaf strongly advises setting MultiSubNetFailover=True in connection strings when using Availability Groups:

I received an email from a client who is having issues with third-party applications connecting to their three-subnet SQL Server Availability Group. After an exchange with Microsoft Support, they discovered that the applications weren’t specifying MultiSubNetFailover = True in their connection strings. As a result, because RegisterAllProvidersIP = 1 in the cluster, connections were randomly experiencing high latency upon connecting, as client-side DNS queries over time had a 66% chance of returning the wrong IP from the listener.

They set RegisterAllProvidersIP = 0, but before you take that as advice keep reading.

Read on to learn why this is not a first-best solution.

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Bert’s SQL Server 2019 Magic Quadrant

Bert Wagner has gone all Gartner on us:

I decided to rank these features on two axes: Excitement and Priority

Excitement is easy to describe: how excited I am about using these features. In my case, excitement directly correlates with performance and developer usability improvements. That doesn’t mean “Low Excitement” features aren’t beneficial; on the contrary, many are great, they just don’t top my list (it wouldn’t be fun to have a quadrant with everything in the top right).

Priority is how quickly I’ll work on implementing or tuning these features. The truth is that some of these features will work automatically once a SQL Server instance is upgraded, while some will require extra work (ie. query rewriting, hardware config). Once again, “Low Priority” features aren’t bad, they just won’t be the features that I focus on first.

I might need to give him a PolyBase pep talk and bump that one up and to the right a little.

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Mocking Objects with R

The R-hub blog has an interesting post on creating mocks in R for unit testing:

In some of these cases, the programming concept you’re after is mocking, i.e. making a function act as if something were a certain way! In this blog post we shall offer a round-up of resources around mocking, or not mocking, when unit testing an R package.

It’s interesting watching data scientists work through the same sorts of problems which traditional developers have hit, whether that be testing, deployment, or source control management. H/T R-bloggers

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Using Lenses and GitOps to Migrate Kafka to HDInsight

Andrew Stevenson takes us through migrating from a self-managed Kafka cluster on Lenses to HDInsight using GitOps:

Let’s dig deeper with an example. I have a Self-Managed Kafka cluster and I want to migrate to HDInsight Kafka.

First, we will concentrate on topics. I may have 1000’s of topics. How do I ensure that the configuration (the metadata) are migrated efficiently?

I could do this manually, but this is error-prone, time-consuming and importantly also lacks governance and auditing. A better approach would be to automate this, which is what we can achieve with Lenses and a GitOps approach.

Click through to see how to automate this.

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