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Category: Warehousing

Getting Started With Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Warner Chaves looks at Azure SQL Data Warehouse:

The first thing to keep in mind is that ASDW was designed to be a cloud based system. As such, it aims to be very flexible for resource allocation and very efficient to scale up or down. To meet those goals, the system allows you too:

  • Increase or decrease compute power represented by Data Warehousing Units.

  • The amount of storage can grow and is charged independently from the compute power.

  • The compute power can be completely paused and only storage is payed at that point.

Warner also has a brand new Pluralsight course on the topic.

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BigQuery Versus Redshift

Kiyoto Tamura compares Google’s BigQuery versus Amazon’s Redshift for cloud-based warehousing:

Neither service is truly “set and forget” and requires a dedicated engineer to learn the service and maintain it. You can use various tools to automate many aspects of the operation, but someone will have to maintain automation scripts and workflows.

That said, here are things that I’ve heard first-hand from talking to users

The bottom line there is that Redshift is a bit more mature than BigQuery today, but keep an eye on both of them.

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Warehouse History

Kennie Pontoppidan delves into various aspects of collecting and storing history in warehouses:

In T2 history we have the two attributes ValidFromDate and ValidToDate. We can choose two different strategies for updating the values of these: using system time (load time) or business time. If we use system time for the T2 splits, the data warehouse history is dependent on when we load data. This makes it impossible to reload data in the data warehouse without messing up the data history. If we allow our load ETL procedures to use timestamps for business time (when data was really valid) for T2 history, we get the opportunity to reload data. But the cost of this flexibility is a much more complicated design for T2 splits. We also need to keep track of this metadata on the source system attributes.

Part of a warehouse’s value is its ability to replay historical data, but you can only do that if you store the data correctly (and query it correctly!).

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Warehouses Will Live On

Jesse Seymour argues that in-memory analysis solutions will not entirely replace data warehouses:

The big reason that dimensional modeling increases clarity is that the dimensional model seeks to flatten data as much as possible.  Let’s compare two examples.  Both of these examples are for a fictional health clinic.

The first example is that we want a report on how many male patients were  treated with electric shock therapy by provider, grouped monthly and spanning year to date range.

Those big Kimball-style warehouses do a great job of making it easier for people who are not database specialists to query data and get meaningful, consistent results to known business questions.  The trick to understanding data platforms is that they tend to be complements rather than substitutes:  introducing Spark-R in your environment does not replace your Kimball-style warehouse; it complements it by letting analysts find trends more easily.  Similarly, a Hadoop cluster potentially lets you complement an existing data warehouse in a few ways:  acting as a data aggregator (which allows you to push some ETL work off onto the cluster), a data collector (especially for information which is useful but doesn’t really fit in your conformed warehouse), and a data processor (particularly for those gigantic queries which are not time-sensitive).

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Connecting To SQL Data Warehouse

Robert Sheldon looks at ways to connect to Azure SQL Data Warehouse:

Unlike SSMS, Microsoft does support connecting to SQL Data Warehouse from Visual Studio, via the database engine features in SSDT. When you get into the Visual Studio/SSDT environment, open SQL Server Object Explorer, which is similar to Object Explorer in SSMS. From there, click the Add SQL Server button.

When the Connect dialog box appears, provide the server name, select SQL Server Authentication, and then specify the login name and password, as shown in the following figure.

It is a bit surprising that you can’t easily connect via SSMS 2014.  Maybe that’s changed with SSMS 2016?

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Lambda Architecture

Koos van Strien looks at lambda architecture and asks if it works for data warehouses:

The Lambda Architecture is pretty well documented – online1 as well as in the book I just mentioned2. For a quick overview, Lambda Architecture is basically a system where the raw data is always stored, and never thrown away. All information that’s derived from this raw data is always recomputed – often stated as query = function(all data). This provides for a fool-proof architecture that’s rigorously simple (compared to classic RDBMS solutions), made up of three layers:

Admittedly, about half of this went over my head, but there are some good book and webpage recommendations to learn more about lambda architecture and Data Vault.

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Azure SQL Data Wareouse

Robert Sheldon has a getting started guide for Azure SQL Data Warehouse:

In my Simple-Talk article Azure SQL Data Warehouse, I introduced you to SQL Data Warehouse and gave you an overview of the architecture and technologies that drive the service and make it all work. In this article, I go a step further and provide details about getting started with SQL Data Warehouse, demonstrating how to add a sample database and then accessing the server and database settings.

If you want to follow along with my examples and try out SQL Data Warehouse for yourself, you must have an active Azure subscription, even if it’s just the free trial. For those who have already used up their free trial, be aware that SQL Data Warehouse is a pay-as-you-go service, even though it’s still in preview, so unless you’re on an unlimited company budget or happen to have accrued MSDN credits, you’ll want to be judicious in how you try out the service. Fortunately, as you’ll see in this article, you can pause the compute resources when not in use, helping to minimize the costs associated with learning about the service.

This article is all about initial installation and configuration.

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Junk Dimensions

Jesse Seymour talks about junk dimensions in warehousing:

I think one of the single biggest challenges I face as I attempt to warehouse data that originates as a SharePoint list is the handful of miscellaneous descriptive fields, such as approval status, request status, or something similar.  Typically, this fields are setup as Choice fields in the SharePoint list so they have a known range of values, but its still a pain to have to build a dimension for each one.

Enter the junk dimension.  Ever since I learned about this concept it has made my life so much easier.  What the junk dimension does is perform a cross join against the different fields and creates a row for every possible combination of fields.

Junk dimensions are nice for those low-cardinality attributes which are important but don’t really fit anywhere else.  The important thing to remember about a junk dimension is that you don’t want it to be too large:  if you have 5 attributes, each of which has 8 possible values, you have 8^5 (32,768) rows.  That’s not so bad, but make it 10 attributes and now your table has 1,073,741,824 rows, and that’s a lot of rows for a single dimension.  If you find yourself in that scenario, you might want to create two junk dimensions (bringing you back to 2 dimensions with 32K rows), review your design to see if all those attributes are necessary, or review your design to see if your “junk” dimension is hiding a real dimension.

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Type 2 SCDs With Biml

Meagan Longoria has a great post on Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimensions:

The most common mistake I see in SCD 2 packages, whether using the built-in transformation or creating your own data flow, is that people use OLEDB commands to perform updates one row at a time rather than writing updates to a staging table and performing a set-based update on all rows.  If your dimension is small, the performance from row by row updates may be acceptable, but the overhead associated with using a staging table and performing set-based update will probably be negligible. So why not keep a consistent pattern for all type 2 dimensions and require no changes if the dimension grows?

Spot on.

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The Logical Data Warehouse

Robert Sheldon is looking beyond the Enterprise Data Warehouse:

Organizations looking to take control of this onslaught of information are turning to other solutions to meet their data needs, either in addition to or instead of the traditional EDW. Quite often this means turning to a logical architecture that abstracts the inherent complexities of the big data universe. Such an approach embraces mixed environments through the use of distributed processing, data virtualization, metadata management, and other technologies that help ease the pain of accessing and federating data.

Dubbed the logical data warehouse (LDW), this virtual approach to a BI analytics infrastructure originated with Mark Beyer, when participating in Gartner’s Big Data, Extreme Information and Information Capabilities Framework research in 2011. According to his blog post “ Mark Beyer, Father of the Logical Data Warehouse, Guest Post ,” Beyer believes that the way to approach analytical data is to focus on the logic of the information, rather than the mechanics:

This feels like something that first-movers are starting to adopt, but won’t be mainstream for another 6-8 years.  That should give the idea some time to mature as we see the first round of successes and (more importantly) failures.

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