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Category: Visualization

rBokeh Tips for Missing Arguments

Matthias Nistler walks through troubleshooting rBokeh missing argument errors:

This approach is my go-to solution to change a rBokeh plot for which there is an argument missing in rBokeh that is available in python.
– Create the plot.
– Inspect the structure (str(plot)) of the rBokeh object.
– Search for the python’s argument name.
– Overwrite the value with the desired option as derived from python’s bokeh.

Given how nice the bokeh package looks, I really want rBokeh to work well. Hopefully this experience improves over time.

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Shaded Ranges in Excel

Elizabeth Ricks shows how to create shaded ranges in Excel:

We can see there’s clear seasonality in this business—overall volume is highest in the summer and each outing type generally follows the same monthly pattern. Let’s say you manage the Family rentals and you’d like to compare your monthly volume to what you’re seeing across the entire fleet. 

For the purpose of this tactical illustration, let’s assume the shape of the data—relative peaks and valleys—is more important than the specifics of each category individually. If that’s the case, I can simplify by showing a shaded region to depict the range of absolute passengers each month.

This technique is excellent when you have a large number of lines but only care about one versus the norm, and individual lines would be too distracting.

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Fun with Residual Plots

Nina Zumel explains why, when plotting residuals, you always put predictions on the X axis and residuals on the Y axis:

One reason that the proper residual graph (for a well fit model) should smooth out to the line y=0 is known as reversion to mediocrity, or regression to the mean.

Imagine that you have an ideal process that always produces a single value y. You don’t actually observe this “true value”; instead, what you observe is y plus (IID, zero mean) noise. You can build a “model” for this process that predicts the mean of the observations, in this case the value 0.1033149. Then you can calculate the residuals of your “model” in the usual way.

This post went in a direction I wasn’t expecting, and it was all the better for it.

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Storytelling with Power BI

Marc Lelijveld wraps up a series on storytelling with Power BI:

Let them ask questions
As a report author, you start building your reports based on the information needs and business requirements you collected before your project. However, every answer to a question, triggers a new question to come up. In the end you end-up with more questions to answer than you thought about up front. Maybe even with scope creep in agile projects.

However, it is very unlikely that you answer all the business information needs in your dashboard or report within one iteration. So why not give them the ability to exploitative interact with the report and ask questions in a native language to their dataset? Power BI has the ability to ask questions to your data in your native language in just a few clicks.

This is probably one of the most underutilized aspects of Power BI.

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Getting to Basics with Excel Charts

Alex Velez removes junk from Excel charts:

Custom chart templates aren’t a new feature, but I’m not sure how widely known they are. In a guest post, Bill Dean briefly recommended using these to create a non-standard Excel chart, The Bullet Graph. Another use-case is to create what I call a “clean-slate-template.” This is a chart template that incorporates many best practices and allows you—the creator—to focus on the strategic use of color and words while saving time on formatting.

This is nice because it eliminates the need to click-click-click on every chart, removing the same things over and over.

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Nina Zumel announces a new version of WVPlots on CRAN:

WVPlots was originally a catch-all package of ggplot2 visualizations that we at Win-Vector tended to use repeatedly, and wanted to turn into “one-liners.” A consequence of this is that the older visualizations had our preferred color schemes hard-coded in. More recent additions to the package sometimes had palette or color controls, but not in a consistent way. Making color controls more consistent has been a “todo” for a while—one that I’d been putting off. A recent request from user Brice Richard (thanks Brice!) has pushed me to finally make the changes.

Click through to see what’s changed and for an example vignette.

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Custom Formatting Numbers in Power BI

Chris Webb shows how you can use custom formats to display numbers more easily in Power BI:

Now that we can apply custom format strings to fields and measures in Power BI in the September 2019 release, I thought it would be useful to provide some examples of what’s possible with this very flexible new feature because the existing documentation for VBA isn’t easy to make sense of. In fact there’s so much to say I’m going to have to write a series of blog posts to cover everything! In this first post I’m going to look at formatting numbers.

When you need an exact number, a thousands separator goes a long way.

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Icon Maps in R

Laura Ellis shows how you can build maps full of little icons:

That was ok, but we should try to make the images more aesthetically pleasing using the magick package. We make each image transparent with the image_transparent() function. We can also make the resulting image a specific color with image_colorize().

I then saved the images using the image_write() function. I manually re-uploaded them to GH.

This was a great example of where laying icons on a map works.

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