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Category: Tools

Removing Snippet Line Numbers

Jens Vestergaard grabs some code and is left with line numbers he wants to remove:

Only too often I find myself searching the web for pieces of code, that I need for some odd solution. And almost every time, I come across a web page, where the code sample is displayed with line numbers. It’s always annoying to have to sit and delete those manually. No longer I say! Yes, you heard me right. Actually Visual Studio has a neat trick to help you get this done in a jiff.

This is useful for a lot more than just removing line numbers.


SQLCover Updated

Ed Elliott has an update to SQLCover, his code coverage tool:

This includes a few minor fixes but also support for SQL Azure so if you run your test in a v12 database or higher you can now get an idea of code coverage from that.

If you are interested in using this but don’t know where to start, there is a powershell script in the download ( and if you also get reportgenerator (

Check out the tool and add a few database tests…or any database tests…

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The Joy Of Trello

Chrissy LeMaire praises Trello:

The SQLPS Trello board worked out so well, that when the topic of getting overdue some improvements into SSMS was brought up, Microsoft suggested that setting up another board for SQL Server Management Studio might work well too.

If you use either of these products, I strongly suggest you join us and give Microsoft your feedback. They actively participate on both boards which is just amazing.

I’ve never been a huge Trello fan, but I do admit that I’m looking for a good tool for personal planning, so maybe I’ll give it another try.

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