Check it:
DECLARE @TeamId bigint = NULL, @SubTeamId bigint = NULL; SELECT TOP 1 TaskId FROM tasks WHERE assignedTeamId IS NOT DISTINCT FROM @TeamId AND assignedSubTeamId IS NOT DISTINCT FROM @SubTeamIdTalk about elegant! That’s what we wanted from the beginning. It’s part of ANSI’s SQL 1999 standard. Paul White tells us it’s implemented internally as part of the query processor, but it’s not part of T-SQL! There’s a connect item for it… err. Or whatever they’re calling it these days. Go read all the comments and then give it a vote. There are lots of examples of problems that this feature would solve.
PROS: Super-elegant!
CONS: Invalid syntax (vote to have it included).
This would be nice to have. In the meantime, Michael shows several options which are currently valid syntax.
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