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Category: T-SQL

sp_ctrl3 — Getting Information On Database Objects

Daniel Hutmacher shows off his sp_ctrl3 solution:

My absolute number one favorite homebrew tool is without a doubt sp_ctrl3. I started building it a long time ago to replace the built-in sp_help procedure in SQL Server, which is accessible using the Alt+F1 shortcut in Management Studio.

sp_help shows you object information on database objects, such as column definitions, parameters, indexes, etc, but it’s old (I remember it in SQL Server 2000, but it’s probably way older than that) and it hasn’t really aged that well since then. What’s more, sp_help won’t show you the more technical details and features from newer versions (like filters and included columns on indexes) , so you can’t really just copy and paste information from it very reliably or effortlessly.

Like the name implies, cp_ctrl3 aims to address some of those issues, and years later, I find myself adding features to it whenever there’s something I miss.

Check it out as a worthy replacement to sp_help.

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Exploding Rows With Tally Tables

Riley Major shows how to use a tally table to turn one row into several rows:

Imagine a simple table containing contact information. It has two places for phone numbers (Phone1 and Phone2). Let’s say you wanted to split those off into a related phone numbers table so you could support many more numbers for a single contact. As part of that process, you’d need to create two rows for each existing contact– one for each phone number.

One way to get two phone numbers is to handle each phone number as a separate process, combining a list of all contacts and their first number with those same contacts and their second number. So you’d SELECT everything from the table once for the first phone number and then UNION it with another SELECT. This works, but if you have a large list of columns or a complex set of JOINs, you end up repeating a lot of code.

Instead, what if you simply, magically double the rows and then pick and choose the columns you wanted from each of the rows?

Tally tables are a great “Get out of a bad design (relatively) cheap” tool.  They’re not something I use on a daily basis, but they’ve made life easier for me on dozens of occasions.

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Retrieving Statistic Use From Query Plan XML

Lonny Niederstadt shows us how to retrieve stats usage details from SQL Server query plans if trace flag 8666 is enabled:

Years ago someone said “Hey – why not drop auto-created stats, since the stats you need will just get created again and you’ll end up getting rid of those you no longer need.”   That *may* be a reasonable step on some systems.  If the risk of bad plans on first execution of a query needed stats that have been dropped is too high, its a bad deal.  If the potential concurrent cost of auto-creating dropped stats is too high, that’s a bad deal.  What about analyzing query plans over some period of time to see which stats are actually used in those plans?  Then auto-stats which aren’t used in that set of plans could be dropped.

That type of stats analysis could have other uses, too.  Prioritizing stats manual stats updates in regular maintenance comes to mind.  Or, determining what stats to create/update on an Always On Availability Group primary based on secondary activity.  And troubleshooting problem queries or identifying suspicious “watchlist” stats based on highly variable queries/plans they are involved with.

So I created this blog post almost 4 years ago.  And now I’ll plead with you to not use the query there… it’s awful.  If you want to query trace flag 8666 style stats from plan XML, please start from the query in this post instead – its much more well behaved 🙂

Read on for the script.

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Updating SQL Agent Job Owners With dbatools

Stuart Moore gives us two methods of updating SQL Agent job owners, one using T-SQL and the other with dbatools:

Now we all know that having SQL Server Agent jobs owned by ‘Real’ users isn’t a good idea. But I don’t keep that close an eye on some of our test instances, so wasn’t surprised when I spotted this showing up in the monitoring:

The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (OldDeveloper) of job important_server_job has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'OldDeveloper', error code 0x534. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404)).

Wanting to fix this as quickly and simply as possible I just wanted to bulk move them to our job owning account (let’s use the imaginative name of ‘JobOwner’).

Click through for both scripts.

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Performance Tuning Window Functions

Kathi Kellenberger gives us some hints on tuning queries using window functions:

The only way to overcome the performance impact of sorting is to create an index specifically for the OVER clause. In his book Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL Using Window Functions, Itzik Ben-Gan recommends the POC index. POC stands for (P)ARTITION BY, (O)RDER BY, and (c)overing. He recommends adding any columns used for filtering before the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY columns in the key. Then add any additional columns needed to create a covering index as included columns. Just like anything else, you will need to test to see how such an index impacts your query and overall workload. Of course, you cannot add an index for every query that you write, but if the performance of a particular query that uses a window function is important, you can try out this advice.

There are some good insights here.

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Multiple SYSDATETIME In The Same SELECT May Give Unexpected Results

Louis Davidson walks through a scenario he experienced:

The data is exactly as expected, even though the other two calls would have returned .902 and .903 if simply rounded off. On the other hand, looking for differences between the time1_3 and time2_3 columns:

Returns 133 rows. With the sysdatetime values being exactly the same:

But the other columns, are incorrect for our needs, as the values are the same:

This was the bug we experienced! Instead of being 1 millisecond different, the values were equal.

Louis’s moral to the story is to test your assumptions.  The more prosaic moral is that calls to get the current time take a non-zero amount of time.

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Randomization With NEWID()

Michael J. Swart tests whether ORDER BY NEWID() produces a biased result:

One of his articles, Visualizing Algorithms has some thoughts on shuffling at

He says that sorting using a random comparator is a rotten way to shuffle things. Not only is it inefficient, but the resulting shuffle is really really biased. He goes on to visualize that bias (again, I really encourage you to go see his stuff).

Ordering by random reminded me of the common technique in SQL Server of ORDER BY newid(). So I wondered whether an obvious bias was present there. So I shuffled 100 items thousands of times and recreated the visualization of bias in a heat map (just like Mike did).

I’ve used this pattern to good effect, but definitely pay attention to Michael’s warning at the end.

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Randolph West recommends using RAISERROR WITH NOWAIT rather than PRINT for printing messages:

Read that last line again. It’s saying that the PRINT command needs to fill some sort of memory buffer before you see any output. Sometimes you’re lucky, and sometimes you’re not. Erland Sommarskog says the same thing in the series Error and Transaction Handling in SQL Server (Part 1: Jumpstart Error Handling | Part 2: Commands and Mechanisms | Part 3: Implementation).

If you want immediate output from your long-running process, use RAISERROR instead of PRINT, and make use of the WITH NOWAIT parameter.

Naturally I can’t leave you hanging with a 150-word blog post, most of which is quoting Erik, so I decided to do some digging. The question I posed myself was “How big is the PRINT buffer?”

I always use error level 10, as that’s the minimum level guaranteed to print to the console immediately and it does not write to error logs or stop operations.

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There’s Only One Way To Order

Matthew McGiffen notes that there is only one way to order, and that is to use the ORDER BY clause:

Everyone, at the beginning of their SQL career, get’s told that it is important to include an ORDER BY if they want the results ordered. Otherwise the order in which they are returned is not guaranteed.

But then you run queries a lot of times that don’t need a specific order – and you see that they (at least seem to) come out in the same order every time. You could (almost) be forgiven for thinking you can rely on that.

There was even a question on a Microsoft SQL certification exam a few years ago that asked what the default order was for records returned by a simple SELECT – the answer it was looking for was that it would be according to the order of the clustered index. So you can rely on that – right?

Wrong. The question was a bad question, and the answer was incorrect. Let’s look at this in action.

Order is never guaranteed to be stable unless you specify a unique ordering using ORDER BY.

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