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Category: T-SQL

Getting the Largest Value Per Group

Erik Darling has a series on getting the highest value using CROSS APPLY. Part 1 covers the no-index route:

Let’s say you wanna get the highest thing. That’s easy enough as a concept.

Now let’s say you need to get the highest thing per user. That’s also easy enough to visualize.

There are a bunch of different ways to choose from to write it.

Part 2 covers the yes-index route:

In this round, row number had a tougher time than other ways to express the logic.

It just goes to show you, not every query is created equal in the eyes of the optimizer.

I don’t think I’m spoiling too much by saying that you really want a good index in place when using CROSS APPLY in this manner.

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Median Calculation with T-SQL

Nisarg Upadhyay shows three ways to calculate the median in T-SQL:

To calculate the median of any dataset, we first need to arrange all values from the dataset in a specific order. After arranging the data, we must determine the middle value of the specified dataset. If the dataset contains an odd number of values, than the middle value of the entire dataset will be considered as a median. Following is the example:

Median (M) = value of ((X + 1)/2) th item. (x is the number of values in the dataset)

Honestly, CLR’s probably the best approach here if you want a fast calculation for a reasonably large number of rows. Using ML Services and R/Python is another alternative, though the launchpad spinup time will probably make it slower than CLR.

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Simple Query Zen

Erik Darling wants you to simplify your life queries:

See, when a query is big and complicated to you, there’s a pretty good chance you’re gonna get a big and complicated query plan, because it’s big and complicated to the optimizer, too.

This isn’t to say the optimizer is dumb or bad or ugly; it’s just that there’s only so long it’s willing to spend coming up with a plan.

Remember, cheap plan fast. Not perfect, not great, maybe good enough.

It’s a good operating philosophy: if you have a query which has gone off the rails, one of the best things you can do is try to turn the query into several small steps. It’s possible to reduce complexity that way…though you may also gain complexity in the process if you do it wrong.

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Finding Broken Code in SQL Server

Pamela Mooney shows us how we can find broken code on our SQL Server instances:

Before we approached our last major SQL Server upgrade, I was curious about what might break.  Yes, I had used the DEA to check our code against deprecated or discontinued code.  But I am talking about code that might not have been used in some time and would break because objects no longer existed, or other things like that.  So I wrote these scripts to refresh the sprocs, views and functions in our (non-production) environment.

Pamela’s motivation was to handle code which breaks during an update. You can also use this to see what you can probably deprecate—if the view doesn’t work, it can’t be in use. That means either someone should fix it or drop it.

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Refreshing Views After DDL Changes

Eduardo Pivaral shows how you can refresh the metadata for a view in SQL Server after one of its underlying tables or functions changes:

So we proceed to execute an alter view over the first view:

ALTER VIEW dbo.[vi_invoices_received_by]
as [Received by],
COUNT(InvoiceID) as [# of Invoices],
FROM Sales.Invoices
GROUP BY ConfirmedReceivedBy, CustomerID;

So we should now be able to see the updated column names on the second view, right? 

but if you execute the view again, you will obtain the same results as before:

Read on to see what’s gone wrong and how you can fix it.

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Finding Gaps in Dates

Jason Brimhall shows how you can find gaps in your data:

This method is the much maligned recursive CTE method. In my testing it runs consistently faster with a lower memory grant but does cause a bit more IO to be performed. Some trade-off to be considered there. Both queries are returning the desired data-set which happens to be my missing question days. Only, I have added an extra output in the second query to let me know the day of the week that the missing question occurred on. Maybe I forgot to enter it because it was a weekend day or maybe I opted to not create one at all because the day lands on a Holiday. Let’s take a small peek at the results.

This is a good use for tally tables (or for a calendar table, which is basically a date dimension called something else so you can feel comfortable dropping in a non-warehouse system).

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Order of Execution on SELECT Expressions

Bert Wagner digs into an interesting topic:

Success! But as I was celebrating my dynamic SQL victory, I realized I was making an assumption about SQL Server that I had never thought about before:

The above query only works because SQL Server is executing the variables in the SELECT list sequentially. I’m incrementing @CurrentRow only after processing my @RowQuery variable, and this logic only works correctly if SQL Server executes the variable expressions in the order they appear in the SELECT list. If SQL Server was executing items in the SELECT list in reverse or random order, @CurrentRow could potentially get set BEFORE @RowQuery was evaluated, causing the logic of adding “UNION ALL SELECT” in the right location to fail.

I have a vague recollection that you couldn’t always count on this, though I admit to never having seen a counter-example. I don’t believe expression execution order is defined in the ANSI SQL standard—the idea is that everything is typically resolved “at once.”

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Joining Lists of Values in T-SQL

Jason Brimhall shows how you can build a list of values using the table value constructor and join to it:

The table value constructor is basically like a virtual table not too different from a CTE or a subquery (in that they are all virtual tables of sorts). The table value constructor however can be combined with either of those other types and is a set of row expressions that get put into this virtual table in a single DML statement.

It’s one of the nicer things SQL Server 2008 gave us.

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Identity Inserts: One Table at a Time

Bert Wagner shows that you can only insert with IDENTITY_INSERT = ON for one table at a time:

Ok, simple enough to fix: we just need to do what the error message says and SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON for both tables:


And… it still didn’t work:

IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table 'IdentityTest.dbo.User_DEV'. Cannot perform SET operation for table 'dbo.StupidQuestions_DEV'.

Click through for the ramifications and your alternative.

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