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Category: T-SQL

Compressing and Storing LOB Data

Randolph West hits the archives:

When we look at the several data types for storing LOB data in SQL Server, the ones we might think of first are specifically designed for storing clear text. These are VARCHAR(MAX) and NVARCHAR(MAX), which you can read up about on Microsoft Docs. They’re variable-length data types that are used to store clear text between 8,000 bytes and 2 GB. The key distinction is that NVARCHAR is for Unicode strings, which use at least two bytes per character.

Then we get VARBINARY(MAX), also for storing between 8,000 bytes and 2 GB. This data type does not make any assumptions about the stored blob’s format. You can store text, zip files, images, public key security certificates, you name it. If it can be persisted to storage, it can be stored in VARBINARY(MAX).

Read on for an example of Randolph using Gzip compression and storing XML data as binary for auditing purposes.

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JSON Basics with SQL Server

Steve Jones takes us through querying straightforward JSON data in SQL Server:

Recently I saw Jason Horner do a presentation on JSON at a user group meeting. I’ve lightly looked at JSON in some detail, and I decided to experiment with this.

All in all, I’ve been pretty happy with the syntax for JSON manipulation in T-SQL. I’m not the biggest user of JSON around, but when I’ve needed to slice or build JSON, even when I needed to build it in a certain way to emulate an old application, it has worked for me.

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Reducing CTE Re-Scans with APPLY

Daniel Hutmacher shows another good use of the APPLY operator:

You can tell by the plan why this is an inefficient query: the SQL expression in the common table expression is executed once for every time that it’s referenced in the code.

Better living through CROSS APPLY

You could store the results of the CTE in a temp table, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, why not use the CTE once, and then return four rows for each row that the CTE spits out? That’s exactly what CROSS APPLY does.

Read the whole thing and appreciate that much more all the nice things you can do with APPLY.

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GREATEST and LEAST in Azure SQL Database

Arun Sirpal shows off some missing functionality in SQL Server:

Being in the cloud does have many benefits, from lower administration to fast scaling but another “side effect” of operating in Azure SQL Database is the cloud first nature of changes. By this I basically mean new features always get pushed to Azure first before the classic on-premises version so some gems come to light.

Here is one for you. Have you ever wanted MySQL’s functinality to apply LEAST() and GREATEST() argument? Well, you can now, in Azure.

I can’t say that I would use this every day or anything, but I have felt the pain of not having it. There are workarounds, though nothing as convenient as syntax. Hopefully this shows up on-prem in the next version of SQL Server.

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Uncommon SQL Tricks

Shane O’Neill has a bandolier of SQL tricks to show off:

Recently the DBA Team Lead and I were reviewing some SQL code, and we came across some SQL that neither of us had frequently encountered before. This led to a brief watercooler moment where we shared some uncommon SQL that we had seen. Perfect blog post material, I think.

I had previously learned about ODBC date functions from Shane and also learned about CURRENT in this post, so check it out.

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T-SQL Snippets in Management Studio

Dave Mason uses an external memory:

There are certain T-SQL statements whose syntax I have trouble remembering. When those situations arise, I might look up the syntax online; find the same type of object in SSMS, right-click it, script out the object, and use that as a starting point; or find one of my own scripts that has the syntax I’m looking for. Another option that I often overlook is T-SQL code snippets.

Click through to see how to use code snippets in SQL Server Management Studio. You can also create your own as well.

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Using Hints in SQL Server

Jared Poche is flirting with the dark side:

I work on hundreds of databases with the same schema. They have different data sets and distributions, different sizes, and their statistics are going to update at different times. But if one of them chooses a bad plan, I have to push aside whatever other work to research the high CPU on database xyz.

Consistency is really valuable to me. And in this case, the answer is simple. Yes, I want to scan the fast, small memory-optimized table variable first, and use it to filter the larger, slower table. Adding a join hint or a force order to this query should keeps its plan and performance consistent.

Click through for a few examples of where query hints can be useful, but also where they can fail you in unexpected ways.

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Fun with Function Rewrites

Erik Darling reminds me why I hate user-defined functions in SQL Server:

At 23 seconds, this is probably unacceptable. And this is on SQL Server 2019, too. The function inlining thing doesn’t quite help us, here.

One feature restriction is this, so we uh… Yeah.

The UDF does not contain aggregate functions being passed as parameters to a scalar UDF

But we’re probably good query tuners, and we know we can write inline functions.

Read the whole thing, as this is not always straightforward.

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Optimizing Multiple CTEs

Itzik Ben-Gan continues a series on table expressions:

Last month I explained and demonstrated that CTEs get unnested, whereas temporary tables and table variables actually persist data. I provided recommendations in terms of when it makes sense to use CTEs versus when it makes sense to use temporary objects from a query performance standpoint. But there’s another important aspect of CTE optimization, or physical processing, to consider beyond the solution’s performance—how multiple references to the CTE from an outer query are handled. It’s important to realize that if you have an outer query with multiple references to the same CTE, each gets unnested separately. If you have nondeterministic calculations in the CTE’s inner query, those calculations can have different results in the different references.

Say for instance that you invoke the SYSDATETIME function in a CTE’s inner query, creating a result column called dt. Generally, assuming no change in the inputs, a built-in function is evaluated once per query and reference, irrespective of the number of rows involved. If you refer to the CTE only once from an outer query, but interact with the dt column multiple times, all references are supposed to represent the same function evaluation and return the same values. However, if you refer to the CTE multiple times in the outer query, be it with multiple subqueries referring to the CTE or a join between multiple instances of the same CTE (say aliased as C1 and C2), the references to C1.dt and C2.dt represent different evaluations of the underlying expression and could result in different values.

Definitely worth the read.

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String Concatenation in SQL Server

Guy Glantser hits on a pain point in SQL Server when dealing with long strings:

Now, let’s talk about concatenation. What do you think would be the data type of the following expression?


Correct! It’s NVARCHAR(7). Everything is making sense. Isn’t it great?

Now, let’s complicate things just a little bit. Suppose you have an expression that is a concatenation of two string literals – one of them contains 3,000 characters and the other contains 2,000 characters.

Guy also has a function to print beyond 4000 Unicode characters:

Sometimes, you want to print a long string. For example, you might want to print the definition of a long stored procedure. Or you might have a very long dynamic batch that you are going to execute, but you want to print it first for debug purposes.

The problem with the PRINT statement is not only that it prints up to the first 8,000 bytes. It also truncates your text without even generating a warning.

This is a long-running frustration of mine, especially when writing out complicated dynamic SQL. I think PRINT should have been changed 15 years ago to handle MAX types.

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