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Category: T-SQL Tuesday

SSMS Grids

Riley Major airs grievances with SQL Server Management Studio’s old-timey grids:

After years of using SQL Server Management Studio (and its predecessor Query Analyzer), I’m struck by how incapable the results grids still are. Unlike Excel, you can’t sort them, you can’t filter them, you can’t search within them, and you can’t easily change their font size. In any commercial software product, grid tools are table stakes. For some reason vendors still like to run through them, but they’re never a differentiator. That’s because you can just buy a grid component and use it in your application. Even the basic grid control which came with .NET 2.0could sort.

Click through to read more, and also check out the Trello board that Riley mentions.

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(Re-)Design For Today’s Needs

Andy Levy sees common problems when dealing with brownfield applications:

The primary system I deal with on a daily basis was originally developed as a DOS application and several of the above examples are drawn from it. Looking at the core tables and columns, it’s easy to identify those that began life in those early days – they all have 8-character names. Time moved on and the system grew and evolved. DOS to Windows. Windows to the web. But the database, and the practices and patterns used in the database, haven’t come along for the ride.

Data schema conversions can be hard and disruptive – you need to update your application, your stored procedures, and provide customers/users with a clean migration path. Code changes require testing. Complexity and cost grows every time you introduce changes. I get that.

There’s a lot of effort in Andy’s advice, but it’s well worth it.

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Test Restores

Steve Jones implores you to test those database backups by restoring them somewhere:

What do you do? Hopefully you recognize the issue and can fix the issue. Maybe more importantly, you have a backup of the missing certificate.

Most people don’t deal with encryption, but you never know when your backup job might start failing, perhaps writing to a damaged file that appears to work (if you write as a device) but really isn’t capturing the backup file. Perhaps you don’t know that your backups are being written to a location and deleted a day later, but the process that is supposed to copy them to tape or a remote file share is broken.

Any number of things can happen. The point is that you want to be sure that you are actually getting useable backup files.

That means testing restores.

Read the whole thing.

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Robert Davis looks at the CAP_CPU_PERCENT option in Resource Governor:

The need for this setting came about because MAX_CPU_PERCENT is not applied unless the server is busy. This could lead to a situation where queries in a low priority resource pool starts running while the server is idle and are allowed to consume all the CPU they can. Then high priority queries spin up, and they can’t immediately get the CPU they need due to the low priority queries not being capped. CAP_CPU_PERCENT came along and was designed to set a hard limit that the queries in a pool could not go over even if the server is idle. For example, if you cap the CPU at 25%, the queries in the pool will not exceed 25% no matter how idle the server is.

Problem solved, right?

When the end of a section is a yes/no question, the answer is usually “no.”  Read on before this burns you.

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Nothing New Under The Sun

Kevin Hill reminisces and warns:

Installation defaults that are going to bite you (not version specific, and the installer is getting better):

  • Files all on the C drive

  • One TempDB data file (improved in SQL 2016)

  • Backups on C drive

  • No automated backups

  • Allow SQL to use ALL the memory

  • Allow SQL to use ALL the CPUs

  • Builtin\Administrators group not default*

  • Compressed backup set to OFF

There’s good advice here, so read on.

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Who Monitors The Monitors?

Dave Mason discusses monitors and what happens when they fail:

I was reminded of this recently in my little SQL Server world. I have a number of garden variety alerts set up, plus some other more custom monitoring stuff, which is mostly tied to DDL triggers and event notifications. The one thing all of them have in common is database mail. You can probably guess where I’m going with this. Yep, database mail stopped working. A couple weeks passed before I realized it. Fortunately, out of all the alerts I should have been notified about, none of them were serious.

How would I prevent this happening in the future? I guess I could build another system to monitor my monitoring system. Something like System C, which monitors System B, which monitors System A. But where would that end? System D? System E? Where should the line be drawn? I don’t know that there’s a right answer here, although admittedly, the farther into the alphabet you get, the more absurd it sounds.

At some level, process becomes the answer.  In my case, not before I create a few more systems…

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Observations On Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Jeffrey Verheul is running this month’s T-SQL Tuesday.  Here is his contribution:

A thing that can make migrations to the cloud a bit more difficult, is that Azure SQL databases are basically a contained datastore (you would call it a “contained database” when you run it on-premise). This means that you (by default) can’t connect from one database to the other. This could mean that you need to rewrite your applications or stored procedures, or maybe even redesign your entire database/application/domain model.

This also means that running a stored procedure from the Ola Hallengren’s maintenance solution can only be done on the specific database, and not from the master database like the on-premise version does. These small challenges can be overcome, but it does mean code-duplication in your databases because the maintenance procedures need to be deployed to every single database.

Read on for more observations regarding Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

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Creating BACPAC Files

Kenneth Fisher needs a new BACPAC:

Why are we talking about it?

Well there are two reasons. First because I’m studying how to move databases from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database and back. My first blog on the subject was using the Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database option to move a SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database.

Kenneth shows you how to do this through the UI as well as through SqlPackage.exe.

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Thinking About Azure SQL Database

Kevin Hill with an introductory-level discussion of Azure SQL Database:

Some basic terminology:

  • Cloud: No such thing.  It is just your stuff on someone else’s machines that they maintain for you.

  • Virtual Machine (VM): A Virtual Server on some physical servers…yours, or someone else’s.

  • Azure: Fancy name for Microsoft’s cloud. As a noun or an adverb it means “blue”.  Or a small butterfly.

  • Azure SQL database: Just a database in Azure on some storage

  • Azure Virtual Machine: A VM on Microsoft’s Azure servers, that you do not have to maintain the underlying physical infrastructure.

This is a nice, very high-level introduction to why Azure SQL Database exists.

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T-SQL Tuesday 081 Roundup

Jason Brimhall has a roundup of T-SQL Tuesday #081:

One of the tricks to becoming and staying a top tier data talent or professional is a perpetual cycle to learn, adapt, change, and evolve. We must be in a continual cycle of self evaluation and self modification. Let’s call this by something else – we must be agile. There I said the five letter word. Think about it in broad strokes with your career – it is a development process with perpetual evaluation, review and tweaks.

Now think about the invite and see how that fits with what I just said or with the, cough cough, agile flow. You start (albeit very basically) with a need for enhancement, then you plan which pieces of the enhancement you can accomplish, you then do the work (whether successful or not), then after you deliver the work you conclude with a retrospective (what went well and what needs to change). Yes! I do feel rather dirty for sneaking this on everybody like this. That said, when you think about the model and apply it in broad strokes to your career path – it has merit.

Read on to see who participated this month and Jason’s thoughts.

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