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Category: Syntax

Finding Procedures Using SELECT *

Michael J. Swart hunts for the real performance killer:

I have trouble with procedures that use SELECT *. They are often not “Blue-Green safe“. In other words, if a procedure has a query that uses SELECT * then I can’t change the underlying tables can’t change without causing some tricky deployment issues. (The same is not true for ad hoc queries from the application).

I also have a lot of procedures to look at (about 5000) and I’d like to find the procedures that use SELECT *.
I want to maybe ignore SELECT * when selecting from a subquery with a well-defined column list.
I also want to maybe include related queries like OUTPUT inserted.*.

Read on to see Michael’s strategy for attacking the problem while not including benign instances of it (such as WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * ...), which won’t cause any issues because the database engine doesn’t expand that wildcard).

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Ways to avoid the MERGE Operator

Michael J. Swart has important bullet points:

Aaron Bertrand has a post called Use Caution with SQL Server’s MERGE Statement. It’s a pretty thorough compilation of all the problems and defects associated with the MERGE statement that folks have reported in the past. But it’s been a few years since that post and in the spirit of giving Microsoft the benefit of the doubt, I revisited each of the issues Aaron brought up.

Some of the items can be dismissed based on circumstances. I noticed that:

– Some of the issues are fixed in recent versions (2016+).

– Some of the issues that have been marked as won’t fix have been fixed anyway (the repro script associated with the issue no longer fails).

– Some of the items are complaints about confusing documentation.

– Some are complaints are about issues that are not limited to the MERGE statement (e.g. concurrency and constraint checks).

Spoilers: some + some + some + some is still a lot less than all. Read the whole thing.

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Analytic Window Functions in SQL Server

Aveek Das takes a look at a few analytic window functions available since SQL Server 2012:

Since the introduction of SQL Server 2012, the analytic functions were added to the SQL Server database engine. Any version of SQL Server after SQL Server 2012 can execute analytic queries on it. These functions are used to calculate an aggregated value from the dataset but are based on a specific set of rows instead of the entire dataset. As compared to aggregate functions like SUM, COUNT, AVG, etc. which return scalar records, these functions can return multiple records based on the conditions. The most common examples of using these functions are to find moving averages, running totals, etc. SQL Server supports the following analytic functions.

1. CUME_DIST – Find the cumulative distribution of a numerical column

2. FIRST_VALUE – Finds the first value of a column from the group and prints the same for each row

3. LAST_VALUE – Finds the last value of a column from the group and prints the same for each row

4. LAG – Reads values after the specified number of rows for a column

5. LEAD – Reads values before the specified number of rows for a column

Click through for examples of how each works.

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Identifying Troublesome NOLOCK Statements

Aaron Bertrand is on a mission:

I’ve warned before about the possible downsides of both NOLOCK in general and, more specifically, when used against the target of an update or delete. While Microsoft claims that corruption errors due to the latter have been fixed in cumulative updates (e.g. see KB #2878968), we’re still seeing an occasional related issue where SQL Server will terminate, producing a stack dump that indicates a DML statement with NOLOCK as the cause. How do I find and correct all these potentially problematic statements?

The contrarian in me says, “You’re using NOLOCK; they’re all trouble.” But Aaron is a lot nicer about it than I am here.

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Throwing Exceptions in T-SQL

Chad Callihan plays hot potato:

When it comes to error handling or troubleshooting a long stored procedure, RAISERROR is an easy statement to use that gets the job done. Way back in SQL Server 2012, Microsoft wanted to replace RAISERROR with the new (arguably less convenient) THROW statement. I thought it would be worth looking at an example using THROW and what it takes to have custom messaging with a parameter.

THROW can be a little less convenient, but conceptually speaking, I do think it’s better than the alternative. The part which makes it tricky in practice is that so many types of T-SQL errors are non-catchable, so as a developer, you have to keep on your toes about it.

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LAG() in SQL Server

Chad Callihan shows off one of the best window functions:

The LAG function in SQL Server allows you to work with a row of data as well as the previous row of data in a data set. When would that ever be useful? If you’re a sports fan, you’re familiar with this concept whether you realize it or not. Let’s look at an example.

LAG() is outstanding for business reports, such as if you want three-month trailing data.

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Dinesh Asanka hits on one of the under-utilized grouping operators:

You will see that data is aggregated for the columns provided by the GROUP BY clause. Important to note that the data will not be ordered in the GROUP BY columns and you need to explicitly order them by using the ORDER BY clause as shown in the above query.

In the above query, if you wish to find the total for Australia only, you need to run another GROUP BY with EnglishCountryRegionName and perform a UNION ALL. This will be a very ugly method. By using GROUP BY ROLLUP you can achieve the above-said task as shown in the following query.

If I were to rank grouping operators by how frequently I use them, it’s GROUPING SETS by a country mile, then ROLLUP, and almost never do I use CUBE.

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Using FOR XML PATH with Reserved XML Characters

Erik Darling shows how we can use FOR XML PATH on data which includes reserved XML characters:

The purpose of these queries is to show you hot to remove XML elements, and handle XML control characters like &, <, >, etc. All of these results return a single row, just to keep the examples simple.

Read on to learn more. One thing I’ve done in the past, when I know that there are specific reserved characters in use, is to run REPLACE() over the resultant data, changing &lt; to < and so forth. But Erik shows us how to do it the best way.

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Brent Ozar takes us through a simple but useful SET command:

When you’re working with T-SQL, you’ll often see SET NOCOUNT ON at the beginning of stored procedures and triggers.

What SET NCOUNT ON does is prevent the “1 row affected” messages from being returned for every operation.

Read on to see why this is useful. Also check out the comments for a few other reasons to use it, such as applications written in such a way that they get confused and fail when NOCOUNT is off.

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