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Category: Streaming

Stream Processing with Kafka

Satish Sharma has a four-part series covering stream processing with Apache Kafka. Part 1 gives us an overview of Kafka:

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed stream processing platform originally developed by LinkedIn and later donated to Apache in 2011.

We can describe Kafka as a collection of files, filled with messages that are distributed across multiple machines. Most of Kafka analogies revolve around tying these various individual logs together, routing messages from producers to consumers reliably, replicating for fault tolerance, and handling failure gracefully. Its architecture inherits more from storage systems like HDFS, HBase, or Cassandra than it does from traditional messaging systems that implement JMS or AMQP. The underlying abstraction is a partitioned log, essentially a set of append-only files spread over several machines. This encourages sequential access patterns. A Kafka cluster is a distributed system that spreads data over many machines both for fault tolerance and for linear scale-out.

Part 2 covers terminology and concepts:

Kafka Streams API
Kafka Streams API is a Java library that allows you to build real-time applications. These applications can be packaged, deployed, and monitored like any other Java application — there is no need to install separate processing clusters or similar special-purpose and expensive infrastructures!

The Streams API is scalable, lightweight, and fault-tolerant; it is stateless and allows for stateful processing. 

Part 3 has you install and configure Kafka:

For quick testing, let’s start a handy console consumer, which reads messages from a specified topic and displays them back on the console. We will use the same to consumer to read all of our messages from this point forward. Use the following command: 

Linux -> bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic tutorial-topic --from-beginning

Windows -> bin\windows\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic tutorial-topic --from-beginning

Part 4 is forthcoming.

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Monitoring Backpressure in Apache Flink

Nico Kruber and Piotr Nowosjki explain how you can monitor the flow of your Apache Flink processes:

Probably the most important part of network monitoring is monitoring backpressure, a situation where a system is receiving data at a higher rate than it can process. Such behaviour will result in the sender being backpressured and may be caused by two things:

– The receiver is slow.
This can happen because the receiver is backpressured itself, is unable to keep processing at the same rate as the sender, or is temporarily blocked by garbage collection, lack of system resources, or I/O.

– The network channel is slow.
Even though in such case the receiver is not (directly) involved, we call the sender backpressured due to a potential oversubscription on network bandwidth shared by all subtasks running on the same machine. Beware that, in addition to Flink’s network stack, there may be more network users, such as sources and sinks, distributed file systems (checkpointing, network-attached storage), logging, and metrics. A previous capacity planning blog post provides some more insights.

Read the whole thing. Backpressure is not a topic unique to Flink, but affects any ETL or streaming operation.

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Flink’s Network Stack

Nico Kruber dives into the internals of Apache Flink’s network stack:

Flink’s network stack is one of the core components that make up the flink-runtime module and sit at the heart of every Flink job. It connects individual work units (subtasks) from all TaskManagers. This is where your streamed-in data flows through and it is therefore crucial to the performance of your Flink job for both the throughput as well as latency you observe. In contrast to the coordination channels between TaskManagers and JobManagers which are using RPCs via Akka, the network stack between TaskManagers relies on a much lower-level API using Netty.

This blog post is the first in a series of posts about the network stack. In the sections below, we will first have a high-level look at what abstractions are exposed to the stream operators and then go into detail on the physical implementation and various optimisations Flink did. We will briefly present the result of these optimisations and Flink’s trade-off between throughput and latency. Future blog posts in this series will elaborate more on monitoring and metrics, tuning parameters, and common anti-patterns.

There’s a lot in here and it’s worth reading.

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Event-Driven Microservices

Saeed Barghi gives us an overview of what event-driven microservices are:

Modern Microservices are all about making systems event-driven: instead of making remote requests and waiting for the response (services and components calling each other and tell each other what to do), we can send notifications to related microservices when an event occurs.

These events are facts about the business. For example, an ATM or online transaction, a new log entry, or a customer registering for a new mobile plan. They are the data points collected by organizations that make their datasets. The good thing is, we can store these events in the very same infrastructure that we use to broadcast them: Apache Kafka. The better thing is we can even process them in the same infrastructure with Stream Processing applications. This means our applications and systems are linked via this central data pipeline, that is capable of real time data broadcast and processing and all data sources are shared via this data pipeline.

Read the whole thing.

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Kafka and MirrorMaker

Renu Tewari describes what MirrorMaker does for Kafka today and what is coming with version 2:

Apache Kafka has become an essential component of enterprise data pipelines and is used for tracking clickstream event data, collecting logs, gathering metrics, and being the enterprise data bus in a microservices based architectures. Kafka is essentially a highly available and highly scalable distributed log of all the messages flowing in an enterprise data pipeline. Kafka supports internal replication to support data availability within a cluster. However, enterprises require that the data availability and durability guarantees span entire cluster and site failures.

The solution, thus far, in the Apache Kafka community was to use MirrorMaker, an external utility, that helped replicate the data between two Kafka clusters within or across data centers. MirrorMaker is essentially a Kafka high-level consumer and producer pair, efficiently moving data from the source cluster to the destination cluster and not offering much else. The initial use case that MirrorMaker was designed for was to move data from clusters to an aggregate cluster within a data center or to another data center to feed batch or streaming analytics pipelines. Enterprises have a much broader set of  use cases and requirements on replication guarantees.

Read on for the list of benefits and upcoming features.

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Temporal Tables with Flink

Marta Paes shows off a new feature in Apache Flink:

In the 1.7 release, Flink has introduced the concept of temporal tables into its streaming SQL and Table API: parameterized views on append-only tables — or, any table that only allows records to be inserted, never updated or deleted — that are interpreted as a changelog and keep data closely tied to time context, so that it can be interpreted as valid only within a specific period of time. Transforming a stream into a temporal table requires:

– Defining a primary key and a versioning field that can be used to keep track of the changes that happen over time;
– Exposing the stream as a temporal table function that maps each point in time to a static relation.

It looks pretty good.

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Optimizing Kafka Streams Apps

Bill Bejeck and Guozhang Wang give us an idea of some Kafka Streams internals:

At a high level, when you use the Streams DSL, it auto-creates the processor nodes as well as state stores if needed, and connects them to construct the processor topology. To dig a little deeper, let’s take an example and focus on stateful operators in this section.

An important observation regarding the Streams DSL is that most stateful operations are keyed operations (e.g., joins are based on record keys, and aggregations are based on grouped-by keys), and the computation for each key is independent of all the other keys. These computational patterns fall under the term data parallelism in the distributed computing world. The straightforward way to execute data parallelism at scale is to just partition the incoming data streams by key, and work on each partition independently and in parallel. Kafka Streams leans heavily on this technique in order to achieve scalability in a distributed computing environment.

They then use that info to show you how you can make your Streams apps faster.

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Flink: Batch as a Special Case of Streaming

Fabian Hueske and Aljoscha Krettek describe streaming versus batch processing in Apache Flink:

The Apache Flink project has followed the philosophy of taking a unified approach to batch and stream data processing, building on the core paradigm of “continuous processing of unbounded data streams” for a long time. If you think about it, carrying out offline processing of bounded data sets naturally fits the paradigm: these are just streams of recorded data that happen to end at some point in time.

Flink is not alone in this: there are other projects in the open source community that embrace “streaming first, with batch as a special case of streaming,” such as Apache Beam; and this philosophy has often been cited as a powerful way to greatly reduce the complexity of data infrastructures by building data applications that generalize across real-time and offline processing.

Check it out. At the end, the authors also describe Blink, a fork of Flink being (slowly) merged back in and which supports this paradigm.

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Apache Flink 1.8.0 Released

Aljoscha Krettek announces the general availablity of Apache Flink version 1.8.0:

SQL pattern detection with user-defined functions and aggregations: The support of the MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause has been extended by multiple features. The addition of user-defined functions allows for custom logic during pattern detection (FLINK-10597), while adding aggregations allows for more complex CEP definitions, such as the following (FLINK-7599).

There are several really nice changes. I pointed out this one to get people to vote up Itzik Ben-Gan’s feedback item to get row pattern recognition in SQL Server.

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Dynamic Routing with Kafka Streams

Yeva Byzek explains how you can use Kafka Streams to perform dynamic routing of messages:

A cleaner way is to provide the service with a separate stream that contains only the relevant subset of events that the microservice cares about. To achieve this, a streaming application can branch the original event stream into different substreams using the method KStream#branch(). This results in new Kafka topics, so then the microservice can subscribe to one of the branched streams directly.

For example, in the finance domain, consider a fraud remediation microservice that should process only the subset of events suspected of being fraudulent. As shown below, the original stream of events is branched into two new streams: one for suspicious events and one for validated events. This enables the fraud remediation microservice to process just the stream of suspicious events, without ever seeing the validated events.

Read on to learn more.

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