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Category: Streaming

Identifying Backpressure in Apache Flink

Piotr Nowojski explains an important concept in streaming (and ELT/ETL) products:

The backpressure topic was tackled from different angles over the last couple of years. However, when it comes to identifying and analyzing sources of backpressure, things have changed quite a bit in the recent Flink releases (especially with new additions to metrics and the web UI in Flink 1.13). This post will try to clarify some of these changes and go into more detail about how to track down the source of backpressure, but first…

Read on for the full story, including a review of the concept and its importance.

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Consistency and Completeness in Kafka Streams

Guozhang Wang announces a whitepaper:

Recently, however, some streaming engines, such as Apache Kafka® and its ecosystem component Kafka Streams, have been able to claim strong correctness guarantees, with the primary dual metrics being consistency, a guarantee that a stream processing application can recover from failures to a consistent state such that final results will not contain duplicates or lose any data, and completeness, a guarantee that a stream processing application does not generate incomplete partial outputs as final results even when input stream records may arrive out of order.

Click through for more details and a link to the paper itself. It’s good to understand as much as you can about the distributed system you use, especially because many times, the claims for consistency should come with large asterisks.

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Data Pipeline Error Handling with Apache NiFi

Pieter Humphrey gives us a few techniques for handling data pipeline errors when running Apache NiFi:

The more complex the model, the more possible sources of problems exist. Forecasting every single potential problem is, of course, impossible. Identifying the most important ones and providing self-solving solutions can greatly reduce the operational uncertainty of our NiFi pipeline and improve its robustness.

To see how to do this analysis, we will consider four possible strategies: one external and three internal. They certainly do not cover all potential error scenarios, they are just examples that we can extrapolate from, and inform how to handle other potential failure domains.

Click through for an overview of the topic as well as those four techniques.

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Recent Apache NiFi Updates

Pierre Villard has some news for us around Apache NiFi:

Cloudera released a lot of things around Apache NiFi recently! We just released Cloudera Flow Management (CFM) 2.1.1 that provides Apache NiFi on top of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) 7.1.6. This major release provides the latest and greatest of Apache NiFi as it includes Apache NiFi 1.13.2 and additional improvements, bug fixes, components, etc. Cloudera also released CDP 7.2.9 on all three major cloud platforms, and it also brings Flow Management on DataHub with Apache NiFi 1.13.2 and more.  Let’s have a look at the main highlights of these releases.

Click through to see what’s included.

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Batch Execution Mode in Flink’s DataStream API

Dawid Wysakowicz takes us through batch execution mode in a streaming solution:

Flink has been following the mantra that Batch is a Special Case of Streaming since the very early days. As the project evolved to address specific uses cases, different core APIs ended up being implemented for batch (DataSet API) and streaming execution (DataStream API), but the higher-level Table API/SQL was subsequently designed following this mantra of unification. With Flink 1.12, the community worked on bringing a similarly unified behaviour to the DataStream API, and took the first steps towards enabling efficient batch execution in the DataStream API.

Read on to see the progress they’ve achieved so far.

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Updates to Message Keys in ksqlDB

Victoria Xia announces an improvement to ksqlDB:

One of the most highly requested enhancements to ksqlDB is here! Apache Kafka® messages may contain data in message keys as well as message values. Until now, ksqlDB could only read limited kinds of data from the key position. ksqlDB’s latest release—ksqlDB 0.15—adds support for many more types of data in messages keys, including message keys with multiple columns. Users of Confluent Cloud ksqlDB already have access to these new features as Confluent Cloud always runs the latest release of ksqlDB.

Read on for more information on this, as well as some of the ramifications of this change.

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Clustering with Apache NiFi

Brent Segner and Ryan O’Donnell explain how clustering works with Apache NiFi:

Although it is entirely possible to deploy NiFi in a single node configuration, this does not represent a best practice for an enterprise graded deployment and would introduce unnecessary risk into a production environment where scaling to meet demand and resiliency are paramount.  In order to get around this concern, as of release 1.0.0, NiFi provides the ability to cluster nodes together using either an embedded or external Apache Zookeeper instance as a highly reliable distributed coordinator. While a simple Google search shows there is plenty of debate around whether it is better to use an embedded or external Zookeeper service as both sides have merit, for the sake of argument and this blog, we will use the embedded flavor in the deployment. 

Click through for more information, including a walkthrough on configuration.

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Connecting Confluent and Databricks on Azure

Angela Chu, et al, take us through a streaming data ingestion process:

How do you process IoT data, change data capture (CDC) data, or streaming data from sensors, applications, and sources in real time? Apache Kafka® and Azure Databricks are widely adopted technologies in the industry, but they require specific skills and expertise to run. Leveraging Confluent Cloud and Azure Databricks as fully managed services in Microsoft Azure, you can implement new real-time data pipelines with less effort and without the need to upgrade your datacenter (or set up a new one).

This blog post demonstrates how to configure Azure Databricks to interact with Confluent Cloud so that you can ingest, process, store, make real-time predictions and gain business insights from your data.

Click through for a detailed demonstration.

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Writing Calculations on Power BI Real-Time Streaming Datasets

Reza Rad shows how we can write DAX measures against a Power BI streaming dataset:

In Power BI, you can have a dataset with Imported dataDirectQueryLive Connection, or Composite mode. You can build all of those types of Power BI datasets in the Power BI Desktop. However, there is a single type of dataset, which you can only build through the service, called the Streaming dataset.

A streaming dataset is for building reports with real-time response time. For example, if you want to build a Power BI dashboard that shows the room temperature as soon as captured by a temperature sensor. For this type of dataset, you send the data rows using Power BI REST API, which can be called using a custom C# application, or PowerShell scripts, or even from a Power Automate flow process.

Read on to see how.

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Calculations in Power BI Streaming Datasets

Reza Rad has a workaround for us:

If you use a streaming dataset in Power BI, you cannot download the Power BI file, and you cannot open it using Power BI Desktop. This means that you are limited not to use calculations in a streaming dataset. However, there is a small trick which you can use and can be helpful. I will show you that in this article and video.

Click through for the article, which includes the video.

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