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Category: Spark

Spark SQL in Delta Lake

Kundan Kumarr walks us through some of the basic SQL operations you can perform with Delta Lake in Apache Spark:

Nowadays Delta lake is a buzz word in the Big Data world, especially among the spark developers because it relegates lots of issues found in the Big Data domain. Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that brings reliability to data lakes. Delta Lake provides ACID transactions, scalable metadata handling, and unifies streaming and batch data processing. It is evolving day by day and adds cool features in its every release. On 19th June 2020, Delta lake version 0.7.0 was released and this is the first release on Spark 3.x. This release involves important key features that can make the spark developer’s work easy.

One of the interesting key features in this release is the support for metastore-defined tables and SQL DDLs. So now we can define Delta tables in the Hive metastore and use the table name in all SQL operations. We can perform SQL DDLs to create tables, insert into tables, explicitly alter the schema of the tables, and so on. So in this blog, we will learn how we can perform SQL DDLs/DMLS/DQL in Delta Lake 0.7.0.

Click through for the examples.

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Join Operations in Spark

Swantika Gupta compares hash and merge join operations in Apache Spark:

One of the most frequently used transformations in Apache Spark is Join operation. Joins in Apache Spark allow the developer to combine two or more data frames based on certain (sortable) keys. The syntax for writing a join operation is simple but some times what goes on behind the curtain is lost. Internally, for Joins Apache Spark proposes a couple of Algorithms and then chooses one of them. Not knowing what these internal algorithms are, and which one does spark choose might make a simple Join operation expensive.

While opting for a Join Algorithm, Spark looks at the size of the data frames involved. It considers the Join type and condition specified, and hint (if any) to finally decide upon the algorithm to use. In most of the cases, Sort Merge join and Shuffle Hash join are the two major power horses that drive the Spark SQL joins. But if spark finds the size of one of the data frames less than a certain threshold, Spark puts up Broadcast Join as it’s top contender.

Click through for the comparison, though do note that this comparison doesn’t include nested loop joins, which are possible in Spark as well.

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Spark SQL and Delta Lake on Spark 3.0

Denny Lee, et al, walk us through some improvements in Spark 3.0 around Spark SQL’s usage of Delta Lake:

One of most frequent questions through our Delta Lake Tech Talks was when would DML operations such as delete, update, and merge be available in Spark SQL?  Wait no more, these operations are now available in SQL!  Below are example of how you can write delete, update, and merge (insert, update, delete, and deduplication operations using Spark SQL

Read on for the full update.

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A Quick Demo: Kafka to Spark Streaming to Cassandra

Kundan Kumarr walks us through a simple data pipeline:

Spark Structured Streaming is a component of Apache Spark framework that enables scalable, high throughput, fault tolerant processing of data streams.
Apache Kafka is a scalable, high performance, low latency platform that allows reading and writing streams of data like a messaging system.
Apache Cassandra is a distributed and wide-column NoSQL data store.

As I’m reading through this, I enjoyed just how straightforward the whole process was.

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The %tensorboard Magic Command in Databricks Notebooks

Jerry Liang and Hossein Falaki introduce a new magic command in Databricks Runtime 7.2:

In 2017, we released the  dbutils.tensorboard.start() API to manage and use TensorBoard inside Databricks python notebooks. This API only permits one active TensorBoard process on a cluster at any given time – which hinders multi-tenant use-cases. Early last year, TensorBoard released its own API for notebooks via the %tensorboard python magic command. This API not only starts TensorBoard processes but also exposes the TensorBoard’s command line arguments in the notebook environment. In addition, it embeds the TensorBoard UI inside notebooks, whereas the dbutils.tensorboard.start API prints a link to open TensorBoard in a new tab.

Read on to see how you can use it.

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Late-Arriving Data with Spark Streaming

Sarfaraz Hussain continues a series on Spark streaming:

The size of the State (discussed in the previous blog) will continue to increase indefinitely as we really don’t know when a bucket can be closed.

But practically a query is not going to receive data 1 week late or in that matter such late-arriving data is of no use to us.

So, to specify the information when to stop considering older buckets for the streaming query we use Watermark.

Read on to see how you can design and implement a watermark.

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Stateful Stremaing with Spark

Sarfaraz Hussain continues a series on Spark Streaming:

Structured Streaming does processing under the hood as micro-batches (default nature).

state is versioned between micro-batches while the streaming query runs. So as the series of incremental execution plans are generated (discussed in Part 2), each execution plan knows what version of the state it needs to read from.

Each micro-batch reads the previous version of the state data i.e. the previous running count then updates it and creates a new version. Each of these versions gets check-pointed into the same check-point location that we have provided in the query.

Read on to understand the implications of this and what it allows you to do.

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An Introduction to Spark Streaming

Sarfaraz Hussain has started a series on Spark Streaming. The first post gives an introduction to the topic:

The philosophy behind the development of Structured Streaming is that,

We as end user should not have to reason about streaming”.

What that means is that we as end-user should only write batch like queries and its Spark’s job to figure out how to run it on a continuous stream of data and continuously update the result as new data flows in.

Sarfaraz then follows this up with a bit on the structure of a streaming query:

So, as new data comes in Spark breaks it into micro batches (based on the Processing Trigger) and processes it and writes it out to the Parquet file.

It is Spark’s job to figure out, whether the query we have written is executed on batch data or streaming data. Since, in this case, we are reading data from a Kafka topic, so Spark will automatically figure out how to run the query incrementally on the streaming data.

Check them both out.

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HIVE-6384 Errors with Spark and Parquet

Manoj Pandey troubleshoots an issue:

But I was getting following error:

warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Parquet does not support decimal. See HIVE-6384

As per the above error it relates to some Hive version conflict, so I tried checking the Hive version by running below command and found that it is pointing to an old version (0.13.0). This version of Hive metastore did not support the BINARY datatypes for parquet formatted files.

Read on to see how Manoj was able to fix the problem in Azure Databricks.

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